Chapter One - Welcome to Camp Half-Blood

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    "Wha-what?" I asked stammered sitting up on my elbows, the strange boy sat back in a chair next to the bed and grinned at me
    "Oh your awake" he said happily his mouth turned up in a grin that probably melted the hearts of most girls.
    "Yes and you are?" I asked looking at him suspiciously, he gave me another stupid grin and held out a tanned hand
     "Percy Jackson" I sat up more and took his hand giving it a shake.
     "Nirvana" I replied, Percy looked confused,
     "The band?"
     "No you idiot!" I snapped "it's my name!"
    "Oh ehehe I knew that" Percy rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed. I glowered at him, than I realized someone was missing
     "Where's Nyra" I snarled. Percy cocked an eyebrow
    "Who?" I grabbed the front of his t-shirt
   "My wolf" I said between my teeth. Realization dawned over Percy's face
"Ohhh, she's right outside the door. She hasn't left since you got here." He got off the chair and reached toward the door handle, as soon as the door was open a massive white blur was in the room and on my bed
    "Nyra!" I cried wrapping arms around her neck, burrowing my face into her ruff "I'm glad your here" I mumbled, she licked my face then settled down so that her head was in my lap. I gently stroked the soft fur around her ears and turned back to Percy. Now that I had my companion I needed some answers.
    "Where the hell am I?" Percy pulled his stupid grin again,
   "Welcome to camp half blood!" I dead panned
    "What?" Percy looked disappointed in my reaction.
"It's a place for kids like us, you see you aren't normal, your like me. I'm what's called a demigod, part God and part human." I shrugged
    "yeah that's old news to me." He looked surprised
"I've known that I was a demigod since I was born" I raised an eyebrow "didn't you?" He shook his head
        "Well no, no one does." I blinked
        "Huh, strange." Gently pushing Nyra off my lap I pulled the covers off my legs and swung them over the side of the bed, someone had put me in a pair of jean shorts and an orange t-shirt with the words Camp Half Blood above a picture of a Pegasus i got up and made my way toward the door, Nyra in tow. I grabbed the metal door knob and turned to Percy "Well, aren't you going to show me around?" Percy blinked and reached a hand toward me.
"Wait! Who's your godly parent?" He called out, but I was already out the door.
I was greeted by a hallway lined with seemingly random pictures, turning my head back and forth I searched for a way out I decided to take a left and was half way down the hallway when Percy reappeared
     "Hey" he called "if your looking for the exit it's that way" he said jerking a finger in that direction. I gave him a half smile
    The two of us walked down the hallway side by side until we entered a large living room full of comfy chairs and many other things, including a large stuffed jaguar head that huffed at us as we came into the room. I raised my eyebrows but decided not to ask why they had a giant moving jaguar in their living room. Percy led me toward a door and opened it to reveal the outside. The sight that greeted me would be implanted in my memory for the rest of my life.  Sprawling down in front of us was a massive field of green that went all the way down to the ocean below, between here and there was a mix of the modern and the mythical. It looked like some sort of summer camp, a lake with canoes dotting its sparkling surface, a stable, and an area dedicated to a group of cabins shaped like a U, except it seemed that some new cabins were in the making shaping the cabins into a Greek omega. That was where the myth came into the picture, because there was also an arena, and an amphitheater. There were other things as well but at the moment my mind just couldn't quite take it all in. I turned to Percy's grinning face. 
     "What is this place?" I whispered, wonderstruck. Percy's grin grew wider,
     " Welcome to Camp Half Blood"  I was about to ask more questions when someone cleared their throat behind us. We turned to face a girl with a stormy look on her face. Maybe it had something to do with her eyes, they were the color of storm clouds. She brushed a strand of blond curly hair out of her face and put her hands on her hips. 
    "Seaweed brain, who is this?" She asked nodding her head at me. I stuck my hand out for her to shake 
    "My names Nirvana" I said, she took my hand in her own and shook it. 
    "Annabeth." She replied "I'm assuming your the one they found in the woods last night." I looked at Percy,  confused 
    "Found in the woods?" I asked, Percy nodded 
   "Yeah there was a flash of golden light out in the forest the other day and when it disopeared we found you in the woods." I nodded then turned back to Annabeth
    "There's your answer." I said giving her a half smile 
   " Have you showed her around yet?" Annabeth asked Percy, he shook his head "hm then come on." She gestured toward the camp below us "lets give you a tour." 

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