Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

I woke up extra early this morning. It really made no sense. Common teenage logic says: Stay up till 3, sleep till noon, eat, repeat. But, I had a reason to get up earlier today. My all time favorite band in the entire known universe is having a surprise concert tonight.

I got up and went downstairs. My sister was sitting at the kitchen table eating a really big bowl of Fruit Loops. My brother was playing Mario Kart on the Wii as usual, and my mom was in the kitchen cooking the rest of us breakfast. "You're up early" she said, with a smile. "I have prepare myself for tonight, mom. These things are way to exciting to even FATHOM sleeping till noon," I replied, opening the cabinet to get out some plates. "Drama queen." That was my sister for you. Always acting older than she is...but I was too excited right now to care. My mom was still cooking so I went back upstairs to figure out what I was going to wear tonight.

*aaaah! so excited for tonight! can't figure out what to wear! HELP!* I texted my best friend, Moriah.

*send pics of what you're deciding between!* she replied.

*so send pics of EVERYTHING IN MY CLOSET??? Just come over and help!* i said.

Moriah, being the fashion queen she is, had my outfit picked out in minutes. It was a California tank top with skinny jeans and light blue converse. I was also, obviously, wearing my Will bracelet! I kind of have a small, slight, teeny tiny love for Will. He's perfect. I mean, I have yet to find anything wrong with him. His voice is AMAZING, he can play piano and guitar, he's REALLY sweet and his life is literally all music, all the time. Except when he's eating Nutella and watching Mean Girls...

Anyway, I'm really excited about tonight...because I get to see the best in the world band perform AND I get to perform! must've slipped my mind. Moriah and I are in a girl band called Infinite Love, with our other two best friends Alison and Carolina. We're performing our new song "Love Struck" and a few covers. Oh my gosh, I can't wait. Our manager, Joanna, said the boys are really excited to meet us and hear us perform, too. This should be the!!!

My phone buzzed.

*hey girl! is moriah with u?* It was Alison :)

*hey! yeah...we're trying to figure out what to wear for the show!" I replied.

*When you decide can u guys come to the park? Me and Coco have something to tell u!*

*ok there in 2 secs :) xoxo*

"What's up?" Moriah asked, trying to put some of my clothes away. "Ali and Coco said to come to the park..." I replied. We both wondered why, but knowing those two it probably had something to do with Harry Styles. They were kind of obsessed. We put away the rest of my clothes and headed to the park.

When we got to the park, we saw the girls and headed over to them. They were huddled over Ali's phone with excited looks on their faces. "Hey chicas! what's up?" Moriah asked. Ali held up her phone and I couldn't believe what I saw, this was NOT an issue of Harry Styles! It was a tweet from IM5 **We're stoked to be performing with such an amazing girl group tonight @InfiniteLove! Can't wait to see you all there!**

So, we were all sitting in the park, surrounded by kindergarteners and their moms, fangirling our faces off!!! IM5 tweeted about us!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it!

"Guys, we have to be absolutely AMAZING tonight!" Coco said.

"Well, DUH! Let's do this!" I said.

"Well, I have to go pick MY outfit now!" Alison said, standing up and practically peeling her phone out of my hands, I was still in shock that they tweeted about us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope you guys like it!!! I'll post more tomorrow! <3

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