Chapter 4

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Hey guys this is chapter 4!! Hope you enjoy!!

***Niall's POV***

Yesterday was such an remarkable day. I finally got a glorious kiss from my crush, Harry Styles and a bonus is I'm taking the handsome boy on a date.

I bet you're contemplating, you two haven't had a proper conversation yet? .... well, this date will fix just that. Yes, I like... really like Harry and this is an opportunity to talk, and also to get to know each other better.

Oh, I need to text Harry the time and the wardrobe of our spectacular date.

Hey Hazza, just wanted to say our date is at 6:00pm and wear whatever you fell comfortable in... you look hot in anything { or nothing ;)} See ya later, Nialler xx

Text sent and I have 5 hours from now to plan and sort the perfect date.

"Niall, I'm heading out to the shops, do you want/need anything?" My mum yelled from the kitchen.

Just as I was about to shout back a no, I thought of an incredible plan!

"Yeah, could you please get food you would eat at a fancy restaurant?"

"Okay...why?" My mum was confused. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell my mum about the date. Whoops!!

"Yeah mum, I'm planning a..... date with Harry, you know the guy I've fancied for donkeys years."

I sat nervously, waiting to see what she would say...

"Oh my god sweetheart, I'm so happy for you, your great for each other, a mother knows! Of course, I'll get the food."

Phew, that could of gone worse!

"Thanks mum, see ya later."

I heard the shut of the door and carried on what I was going to do.

Piece of paper in one hand and pen in other, I jotted down a menu... I think it will give the date a edge and a more 'sophisticated' feel. Hey, my mum is quite posh so I get it from her!

I know I have never chatted to Harry but I still know his favourite foods... I have my sources. *cough* Louis Tonlinson.

Even though I use to dislike Louis, He came over to me yesterday and said how delighted he was that Harry and I are going on a date. That's when I asked what Harry liked to eat.

Louis is a really nice mad when you get to know him!

Scribbling, drawing and thinking. I wanted this to be perfect, not for me but for Harry. I want to prove to him that he means the world to me.

***Harry's POV***

Jumping around to 'She looks so perfect' , getting rid of all the nervous energy I have... because today I've hot a date with Nialler.. I-I mean Niall. *blushes*

Once the song finished, I got a text from Niall. It said the time and what to wear. He's so cute, this boy makes me so happy!

Deciding; as I've got 3 hours to kill; I will FaceTime Louis.

Louis answered straight away.

"Hey Louis"
"Hey Hazza, looking forward to your date?" He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Hahaha, Lou. For you information, I'm very looking forward to the date."

"You two are cute together." Louis said with a genuine smile on his face and happiness in his voice.

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