Part 41

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I went to Liam and Sophia's house to pick the kids up. "Hey! How did the doctor go?" "Not very well." Sophia pulled me into the kitchen so we could talk in private. "What happened?" "The doctor thinks I'm pregnant. She still want to wait to get the analysis. I feel so stupid." "Do you know who the father is?" "Of course. It's Harry. We had sex twice when we were sort of back together and I don't even remember if we used a condom." "Y/N, it's okay. It can happen to anybody." "Yeah, but I should've been more responsible. I have two childern already. And I fought with Harry. We haven't talked since that argument." I had already told her what happened when I dropped James and Darcy off. "If it turns out that you are pregnant, you're going to keep it, right?" "Yeah. I can raise two kids by myself. I don't think raising three will be much more difficult." She smiled. "We'll always be here if you need us." I hugged her. Sophia had always been like a sister to me. "Mommy!" James and Darcy exclaimed as they came running in the kitchen. Liam tagged along behind them. "Hii! How are my little sunshines?"

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