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"Maxx, for the last time, get my god damn bra off of your head!" I yell as I chase him around my apartment. He giggles and ducks behind Zach as I glare at him.

It's been a month and a half since everything has happened. After they asked us to come back to Florida, which we happily agreed to, we immediately went searching for apartments online. After searching on hundreds of websites, quite literally, we found one that was so perfect that we almost thought it was too good to be true. Soon enough, after renting two u-haul trucks and a very long drive, we finally arrived. We signed our lease three days later and started moving in immediately with help from the boys. And by help, I mean we sit and watch while they attempt to assemble all of our furniture. 

"You're so annoying," I groan. "I'm going to unpack my room. Bye." I stalk off to my room, closing the door behind me. My room was the perfect size, not too big and not too small. Hardwood floors, walk in closet, bench seat under the window and to top it off, my king size bed right in the middle. I sigh as I stare at the multiple boxes scattered about. 

I'm not even close to being done when a knock comes to the door, a sigh once again escaping my lips and I call out for them to come in. It's no surprise when I see Cody poke his head in the door, a small smile spreading across my face. 

"Hey. How's it going?" He asks quietly, sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"Well...it's going." I laugh. I gesture to the half empty box of clothes in front of me and I pout. 

"Want some help?" He sits on the floor, putting clothes on the hangers that were sitting in front of me. 

That's how it goes for about an hour. Silence filling the room except the occasional glance and flirting from Cody's end. I set down the last hanger and flex my fingers. It's only my fourth box and I have about ten more. I groan internally and it reminds me why I hate unpacking so much. 

"This is so annoying. I just want to get food and watch Netflix for the rest of the night," I mumbled and laid back on the floor. Cody's face appeared above me, a smirk etched onto his face.

"I can make that happen," He pecked my lips and was out of the room. I giggled and sat up, wandering over to the massive pile of clothes and searched for something more comfortable to wear. I finally found a pair of yoga shorts and one of Cody's shirts that I swear I have no idea how it got there. I quickly changed and made my way out to the living room, where the guys were just finishing putting the couch back together. 

"Finally! This took us like two hours and I am so tired," Austin groaned. I rolled my eyes and stepped into the kitchen, the cold tile making me shiver. Cody was scrolling through his phone, so I walked up behind him and snaked my arms around his stomach. 

"Where do you want food from?" He asked. I hum and press a kiss to his back, going up on my tip toes to see what he was looking at. The yellow pages. 

"I'm feeling Chinese." He agreed so I made him call and order because I didn't like doing that. Everyone started shouting out orders and I don't even remember one of us asking if they wanted any. I laughed when Cody groaned, mumbling to himself about having to pay for everyone.

The doorbell rang twenty minutes later and when I opened the door I wanted to cry of happiness, I was so hungry. I quickly grabbed my food and yelled goodnight to everyone before going to my room, Cody following right behind me. 


Trying to eat chinese and watch a horror movie at the same time wasn't exactly my best idea. I've already dropped rice in my bed from jumping and glaring at Cody every time he laughs at me. I gave up and set my food on the nightstand next to me, grabbing a pillow instead and positioned it in front of my face. 

"Babe, if you're going to have a pillow in front of your face the whole time, why are we even watching this?" Cody whispers next to me.

"Because..." My eyes widen at the screen in front of us. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! You never follow footsteps when nothing is there!" I shake my head at the stupidity of this woman and turn to Cody.

"Because it's my favorite movie so shut up." I stick my tongue out at him and turn back to the tv.

"Well sorry, sassy pants." I shush him and I shriek when something pops up on the tv, completely forgetting the pillow and burying my face in Cody's shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and pulls us down.

"I'm going to look at you for a little while," I mumble. I stared at his baby blues and found myself getting lost in them.

"You know, I'm so happy that you're here." He said quietly. "I know it's probably really stressful for you but I'd rather have you here safe than a thousand miles away where I can't get to you." 

"I know, I'm happy too." I smile. I ignored the screams on the tv and had my full attention on this beautiful man in front of me. 

Sometimes I still had to convince myself that this was real, that I was actually here right now. Every bad thing leading up to this point didn't seem to matter anymore and for that I was thankful. I tell myself that there is nothing to be afraid of anymore. I don't have to sleep with a sharp object next to my bed anymore, I can leave my house without fearing my life and I can finally fucking breathe. 

"You have freckles on your face. Why am I just now noticing this?" Cody asked. I snorted and pushed his face way gently, giggling at him.

"Do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow? I would ask Mara but she mentioned something about her and Dan doing something," I shrugged. 

"Yeah, sure. As long as I get to watch you try some on," He smirked. I rolled my eyes and turned away.

"You're so annoying." I mumbled, taking a bite of my forgotten chicken. 

"So are you but you don't see me complaining." I turned to look at him, his face completely serious as I gasped. I brought my hand to my chest as if I was offended. 

"You're so mean to me. Goodnight." I closed my eyes and sighed, waiting for him to do something. I laid there a few minutes, the room completely silent except the movie in the background. 

I felt his arm slip around my waist a few seconds later, his lips pressing to the back of my head. I didn't realize how tired I was before I laid down, but now that the lights are turned off I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"Goodnight, cutie."


((a/n: okay this fucking sucks lmao anyway here's the first chapter of the sequel and i am totally stoked for it bc the plot line is so rad ((((i think it is)))) and i will try to update as much as possible okay ily all so much please tell me what you think. tell me if you hate it, love it whatever <3))

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