Family and Feuds

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Clarke's POV

Clarke had forgotten her sunglasses at the coffee shop - her very expensive, her very unique, her very exquisite Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses.

When she had realized that they were missing, she nearly had a heart attack. They had been a gift from her dad, a birthday present to match the watch he'd given her. Why she had worn them to go jogging she didn't know. What she did know, however, was that she would have to go back to Hot Shots Coffeehouse to get them back.

Clarke dreaded the notion. In no way shape or form did she want to go and talk to Mr. Arrogant freaking Jackass again.

It was bad enough that she couldn't find another nearby coffee shop - even worse that it happened to be on her jogging route. And, though Clarke hated to admit it, the iced coffee had been the best coffee she had ever tasted. Apparently, Mr. Arrogant freaking Jackass knew how to make amazing lattes. If only his coffee brewing skills matched his personality...

So, the following morning - around seven o'clock, Clarke stepped into the coffeehouse wearing her workout clothes and a stalwart disposition. She made it her goal to get in and get out with as few words spoken as possible. She would not order a delicious-smelling coffee or delectable-looking pastry. She wouldn't.

Today, because it was later in the morning, there were a handful of customers sitting in the back of the coffee shop either sipping drinks or typing away on their laptops. With soft jazz music continuing to play in the background, the overall atmosphere was peaceful, soothing - that is - until Clarke walked up to the cash register.

"Why can't I!" A female voice shouted from the back room.

"Octavia, you're nine years younger than him! Get it through your head, you're not going." The other voice, deep and just as upset, belonged to a guy.


"I want to go! I won't drink or smoke I promise!" Octavia sounded young, probably about seventeen or eighteen.

"No way in hell," Bellamy snapped. "I'm not letting you go. And no matter what you say or do, nothing will change that decision."

This was getting awkward and Clarke had the distinct feeling that she wasn't supposed to be hearing this conversation. She looked around the shop to see if anyone else was listening. Everyone was oblivious to the argument. They were either too far removed from the back room or had earphones in.

Clarke thought about tapping the bell on the counter, but realized that it would be a terrible idea, especially considering that she wasn't supposed to be listening to this argument.

"You've met Lincoln. You know that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me." Octavia said, attempting to reason with him.

Lincoln? Why did that name sound so familiar?

Bellamy snorted. "I know that he's in a nefarious gang. You failed to mention that, didn't you?"

"Mom would've let me go!" Octavia retorted, having no better comeback. "She actually believed in love -"

"Mom's dead."

Clarke sucked in a breath. Suddenly, the world seemed to become a little smaller, a little denser... a little darker. Bellamy and Octavia were brother and sister, motherless and probably fatherless too.

There was no more shouting after that.

"O, I'm sorry, I didn't -"

Somebody sniffled, holding back tears. "How could you say that? We agreed that we would never say that word."

Silence and then, very quietly: "You're not going to that house party, am I clear? The decision is made, it's final."

"Sometimes, I wish it was you instead of mom." Octavia spat and Clarke heard the opening and slamming of a back door.

Clarke wasn't sure for how long she waited in front of that register - seconds, possibly minutes. Even though she didn't know the siblings, her heart still broke for them. She knew what losing someone felt like. She understood the grief, the anger. What she didn't understand was the responsibility Bellamy must feel towards his sister.

After all, Clarke was an only child.

You shouldn't have come back today, she told herself. The moment the arguing began, you should've just walked away.

She looked behind her. No one else was in line and no one new had entered the coffee shop. Clarke was about to leave when Bellamy suddenly appeared behind the counter. He hadn't noticed that it was her yet. He was looking down and away from her, busying himself with making coffees and teas.

If she hadn't known what had just transpired between him and his little sister, Clarke would've never noticed the shaking of his hands.

"Can I help you?" He mumbled, still not looking up.

"I accidently left my sunglasses here the other day..." she began almost softly. Clarke glanced over at the back room before quickly looking away. "I was hoping you found them."

Bellamy looked up almost immediately at the sound of her voice, coffee cup still in hand. And the first thing Clarke noticed was his eyes, slightly red around the irises. She swallowed, fearing that he could see the empathy etched across her face.

"You mean your designer sunglasses?" He said bitterly, staring at her for no more than five seconds before going back to work. "I may or may not have them. Could've sold them on eBay and made my rent for a month."

"Look, I -"

"What?" He shrugged. "They're irreplaceable? They're one-of-a-kind? Well you know what, princess? Life is more than a pair of thousand dollar glasses."

"My dad gave them to me for my birthday." Clarke replied, indignant.


That was it. She had enough of his brooding, ill-tempered personality. "I know your upset because of your sister, but that gives you no right to act like a complete jackass to everyone else around you!"

Bellamy's face went pale before it darkened.

"You don't know anything about me or Octavia." He growled, placing both hands on the counter top and leaning forwards. With him this close to her, Clarke could almost make out the freckles spattered across his nose. She definitely noticed the thickness and blackness of his hair.

"You're right, I don't," Clarke agreed, attempting to keep her heart beating at a normal pace. "But I do know about the gang Lincoln is involved with."

That caught his attention and Bellamy stood a little straighter.

"And I can help." She added.

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