Chapter one

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The sound of my hasty feet on the pavement reflected the busy streets of Worcestershire on a Monday morning. My breath forming clouds as it leaves through my nose and lips. I continue my fast pace and only slow down when I reach my destination. The warm air from the aircon folds around me like a blanket as I enter through the glass door. I groan silently as I caught sight of the vast amount of people in line for refreshments. Why didn’t I just buy the hot chocolate maker and make my own hot chocolate? I mentally question and curse myself.

One by one the people leave with their hot drinks, exiting the store. Another ten minutes pass and I have barely moved. WHAT IS THIS? I peek down the side to see why the line is moving so slow. The guy in front held a cone in his left hand. I frowned. Does he not know that the temperature is barely above freezing point? But then again, I retaliated; ice cream is one of those things that are so good, that it’s acceptable to indulge in it all year long.

Frustrated I step back in line with my arms crossed over my chest. I’d like to believe that I am quite a patient person, but this is enough to drive anyone up the walls. I check my watch and sigh helplessly. I can’t do this. Someone has to set this shit right and if it has to be me, so be it. If it means I get my hot chocolate and make it back in time, I’LL DO IT.

Without giving it another thought I swiftly walk towards the cashier. Much to my dismay two minutes later.

People always say that you shouldn't mess with destiny. Well apparently destiny wanted me to stay in line and wait, just like the rest of the customers in here. And apparently my ears are deaf to that instinctive voice in my head saying: don’t do it. The moral of the story? Be patient and wait in line for your hot chocolate. Otherwise you’ll end up getting an ice cream cone smashed in your face. Like I did.

The freezing ice cream burns into my flushed cheeks. I stood motionless, hearing a few gasps and a low voice repeatedly apologizing. I closed my eyes, trying to stay calm. Realizing how my reckless actions just blew up in my face. Literally. I felt a warm hand trying to wipe the melting ice cream from my face. My eyes shot open at the touch. My eyes locked on a sparkling pair of green eyes. I had to restrain myself from gasping out loud, the affect his magical eyes has on me. My throat’s going dry. For, I don’t know how long, we just stood there staring at each other.

“So sorry miss,” He clumsily mutters as if he just remembered how to speak.

He hurries over to the counter, grabbing a few serviettes and then returning. He cautiously smiles, handing me one. With numb fingers I accept the serviette and started wiping the mess off my face.

“So-so sorry once again, I should’ve looked where I was going,” he says as he helps cleansing my face.

The touch of his palm on my cheek had a strange affect on me, leaving me impossibly still. As I shift my hand to wipe my chin, our hands collide, making my brain go haywire. He giggles as he retrieves his hands, letting it fall back down to his sides. I notice the dimpled smile as our eyes connected again. Holy shit. He’s got dimples as well? My face doesn’t react, because my brain can’t react.

He tilts his head slightly,” You alright?”

My hand nervously clasps onto my jeans.

“Mmm,” I murmur with a shaky voice.

“ I'm really sorry about your face, uh no, uhm the ice cream in your face,” He looked nervous as he stated his apology.

“It’s fine, really,” I said managing a smile.

He nodded, his smile reappearing.

“Shall I get you something? To make up for the… err accident. Ice cream perhaps?” He suggests eagerly.

As I was about to reply he spoke again,” Oh wait it’s winter, ice cream would probably be too cold ey?”

He frowned lightly as he looked at me questionably.

“It’s never too cold for ice cream!” A genuine smile spreads across my lips.

His eyes light up as he grins.

“My exact sentience,” he stated smiling.

His dimples deepens as his smile widens, so much that I can’t stop mine from widening as well. His lips parted, words forming on his tongue, but the sound of my ring tone interrupted his unspoken words. He gestured for me to receive the phone call. I look at him apologetically as I answer.

“Monica?” I hear Simon’s voice over the phone.

Oh shit, I’m late. “Simon! Sorry, I know I’m late. I’m on my way.”

“Better hurry your ass up; these rich asses don’t wait for anybody.” Anger laces his voice.

I squeeze my eyes shut, suddenly regretting my morning expedition. “I hear you Simon and I'm on my way.”

Without replying he ends the call.  I sigh, slowing exhaling. I quickly divert my attention back to the curly haired guy with the dimpled smile standing across me. I smile apologetically, lifting my hands attempting to explain my current situation. He shakes his head calmly, a smile gracing his beautiful face.

“Don’t sweat it; I'm sure you have more important occasions that require your attendance.”

My heart sinks a bit. My eyes fascinated with his profile, as I try string coherent sentences in my brain. I see him backing away, turning and heading towards the door. I didn’t know it was possible, but his actions caused my heart to sink even lower. My heart beat increases rapidly and my brain is screaming, commanding my feet to move forward. The sight of the stranger, who smashed his cone in my face, walking away awakens a sad emotion. Tell him that you’d still love to go have a cone with him, idiot! My brain screams, but my heart keeps my feet frozen on the spot. Stop being scared and take a chance for once in your damn life Monica! These two friends of mine kept arguing, but my brain winning the argument as my feet hesitantly moved towards him.

“Rain check?” I spit out, stumbling forward.  He spins around, locking his eyes on mine.

“That’d be lovely.” He replies, showing off his dimples.

I return the smile, my cheeks flushing the slightest bit.

“I’m Harry by the way.” He extends his one hand.

I take his hand,” Monica.”

“Shall I take your details or give you mine?” He questions, peering at me through his lashes.

My brain goes numb. Should I give him my details? Is it safe? Maybe I should take his, just to play it safe.

“Mind giving me yours?” I answer warily.

“Not a problem at all.” He assures me.

Next thing I know, he’s walking over to the counter once again. He fiddles around for a few seconds and then strolls back casually with another serviette in his hand. As he comes closer he extends his hand once again, offering me the serviette. Confused at first, I frown. He chuckles at my reaction, swiftly turning it over. I quickly realize that he wrote his number on there. I looked up, smiling and accepting the serviette.

“Thanks.” I mumble looking down.

His silent reply forces me to look up once again, his eyes awaiting mine.

“Just don’t keep me hanging.” He said, with a smile tugging at his lips.

I smile again. He smiles again. For a moment we just stood there, two idiots smiling at each other. For the first time in my life I didn't mind.

“Well I’ll let you get to it.” Harry interrupts my thoughts.

What? Oh right, shit. Work, have to get to work.

I nod in agreement and give him a quick wave.

He smiles and returns the gesture,” Good day Monica.”

“Harry.” I nod, flashing him one last smile before I turn to leave. 

I can feel his sparkly eyes still locked on me. I turn around and catch his gaze once again. His reaction to my retaliation makes my stomach flip… 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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