CHAPTER 1: Persecution

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Drako awaited his brother by the steps into his school an hour before dismissal; he had decided to skip the last goodbyes and tears from his classmates before his graduation-he had already requested his diploma admitting that he wouldn't show up. He sat by its stairs as patiently as he'd let himself before pacing back and forth parallel to it. I thought he agreed to skip this part, he thought trying to loose time within his mind, he said he was distant to them, he said he'd make his goodbyes quick, he said we'd be off soon and we'd go before anyone noticed. Now... Where the fuck is he!? I should leave him, but what's the point, I need him to be there, I can't practice on my own. Well I can't go back and grab him in class, we'll be caught... I'll be caught and I'll be at a hated position while forced into class... He sat back down on the stairs and decided to strategize his plan for the hour till they would leave.

Jake happened to be the last person to leave the school, Drako thought he'd seen him in the crowd of students leaving the school, but unfortunately they only looked alike from behind and he felt pretty awkward shouting out 'JAKE!' while they ignored him.

Drako practically gave up hope of finding his brother and decided to pace away from the school slowly till his brother called to him, 'Drako!' He ignored the voice thinking it was one of his classmates. 'Drako!,' again the voce shouted and again he ignored. On the third call he looked back, seeing his brother made him walk faster unsure of what to d with him. He heard his brothers running footsteps from behind and made no attempt to slow down.

When Jake caught up to him, he looked at his brother, 'how mature of you,' he muttered. Drako's left eye brow began to twitch with irritation but he held it back with a deep breath. Seeing this, Jake hesitated; Drako was a person who was difficult to anger, one of the most difficult persons to anger. But once his temper snaps, all hell breaks loose and corpses can be expected, 'I'm sorry okay? I was held in the moment; there's nothing wrong with being good friends with good people,' Jake explained.

'But there is something wrong with being late to an appointment, or breaking a promise,' Drako muttered after a few tense seconds.

'I said I was sorry, what do you want me to do go on my knees and beg for forgiveness?'

'Naturally, but I'd rather you buy me drink and chips at the gas station on the way.'

'I'd rather beg,' Jake muttered after grunting.

'And I'd rather have a bottle of Gatorade and some chips, but who's in depth to whom?'

Jake didn't reply knowing that the question was rhetorical and that Drako wouldn't give him a chance but to meet his demands, it was either receive punishment or make compensation for his mistake.

Drako sat next to a man who liked on his thirties wearing a suit on the bus stop in front of the gas station. He was enjoying his lime flavored chips and blue Gatorade while his brother stood in watch for their ride home. They had barely missed their bus and had to wait an hour for the next which would seem much longer to Jake who hoped that their bus was late. Half an hour had passed and Drako had the whole bench to himself while Jake remained standing in the sun. 'Move over,' Jake asked Drako who slid to the right to give way. 'Jony said she'd miss you, she even asked for me to deliver this letter to you,' Jake sad presenting the letter, 'I told it'd be useless but she insisted.' Drako pretended not to listen and looked t his watch then at the bus time table that was presented behind them. 'C'mon Drako, I haven't even peeked into it yet,' Jake tried again ensuring him that he hadn't by forcing it into his view. After a minuet of that Drako grabbed the letter and laid it on the small space between them, 'Joanna White isn't my type Jake, I've told you that, I've told her that but no one listens to me,' Drako explained.

'Jony is everyone's type,' Jake remarked.

'I'm not everyone Jake, you think she's pretty but in reality she only wants to date me because she was dared to.'

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