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Missions don't usually go this badly.

As soon as Gloria ratted her out she bolted to the door, which was still on it's hinges.

"After her!" the man screamed.

She knew one of the access vents were nearby. If she could get to that she could fall through to C.S.Z. and Flambo could scoop her up and she would be rid of Gloria. She just needed to go back, left, around the... the... um.

They were gaining ground on her.

Back, back, left, left, right, down? No, that was to the bakery.

She needed more time.

She wheeled around and threw a metal ball at the lead bounty hunter.

He caught it instinctively and fell on the ground electrocuted.

"Stop! Or I will shoot!"

I'm almost there, maybe?


Back, back, up, left?


Down, right? Gah! If only Flambo were here.



That was the last thought that entered her mind and all her thoughts went dark with pain.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 1/Finished)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang