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Mitch looked out the window, not really doing anything. His eyes were fixed on the rain that was hitting the windowsill. The pattern of raindrops on the window being 100% Instagram worthy.

But Mitch decided to keep this moment to himself. He loved the rain. And he didn't have time to read comments about how boring, or creative a single still picture of it is.

Avi wasn't outside, since he hated rain. Well, not that he hated it, he just didn't lie going outside in the rain.

Mitch, on the other hand, was obsessed with it. He loved the rhythm of it pitter pattering on the window and the windowsill. He loved when it drenched his hair and made a selfie look better if he took one. He loved how when he looked up, it was like magic falling from the sky.

He loved every aspect of it. But sadly, Abi wouldn't let him outside during storms like this.

"Mitch?" Avi called.

"What, Avi?" Mitch called back.

"Are you planning on going outside?" Avi walked into Mitch's room.

"No," Mitch said. His lie being hidden pretty decently.

"Ok then, I'll be in the living room if you want me," Avi walked out of Mitch's room and closed the door.

Suddenly, Mitch got an idea.

Since Avi was in the living room, he couldn't walk out the door without being caught.

So Mitch decided to climb out the window. His room was on the bottom floor, so that wouldn't be that far of a jump. It's not even a jump.

Mitch opened the window and climbed out of his room carefully. he made it out successfully, without making any sound whatsoever.

Mitch took a few steps back, breathing slowly. He relaxed his shoulders before holding his arms out to his sides. Mitch closed his eyes. He tilted his head back and opened his mouth, letting his tongue catch the rain drops.

He felt like a little kid again. He remembered the days he and Scott would play in the rain before it started thundering and Mitch's mom would make them come inside.

Suddenly, Mitch felt nothing on him. No rain at least. He opened his eyes and put his arms down.

"I told you not to go outside," Avi was holding an umbrella.

"But I love the rain!" Mitch whined.

"It's gonna start thundering," Avi said.

"I don't care."

"You'll catch a cold."

"I don't care."

"You'll get hypothermia, or worse, pneumonia."

"I don't care."

"You'll die."

"I'll die happy then."

"I'm taking you inside." Avi picked Mitch up and slung him over his shoulder.

"Avi put my down! Please!" Mitch kicked Avi's back.

"No," Avi said. "I don't want you to get sick."

"I won't!" Mitch whined.

"I don't trust that statement," Avi opened the door and dropped Mitch on the couch. He closed the door and his umbrella.

Mitch put on a pouty face. "Can I go back outside... PLEASEEEE?"






"Yay!" Mitch ran back outside, taking the umbrella with him. Avi watched Mitch from the window.

Mitch was dancing around in the rain with the umbrella on his shoulder. He looked happy. That made Avi smile.

Avi walked outside, his hands in his pockets.

"What do you want, party pooper?" Mitch asked Avi.

"I was wondering..." Avi blushed. "Can I join you?"

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