She must have noticed my reluctantness and let out a light chuckle.

"It'll help cure the bruises." She spoke, lifting up my shirt so I could see a large purple swelling on my left side. 

I parted my lips to ask what had happened, but I was not feeling any words come out. She passed me the medicine and I willingly chugged it down all at once. 

"You banged your head very hard," She said almost like reading my mind. "There were no internal bruises found but you do have some minor cuts and bruises on your body." 

I closed my eyes trying to concentrate. The last thing I remembered was getting that text, it was a warning. A warning from what you may ask? From another car coming in my direction. How this person know this was going to happen? I had no idea. Just like all the other things that were happening. I just had no idea how it was all happening. 

Now that I think about it, the only way this person could know so much about me is either because they were a friend or a stalker. And obviously that first option sounds pretty ridiculous, so the only option I had left was a stalker. This person knew my every move and where abouts and used it against me. And it made me sick to my stomach all over again. 

The nurse's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"All you have to do is take your meds and reapply your bandages every few hours and you'll be fine. I promise." She flashed me a kind smile and passed me a glass of water.

I washed it down to clense my mouth from the horrible taste of the medicine and handed it back to her.

"You're free to go home as long as you have someone to stay with." 

My head instinctivly nodded, thinking that Lucy could come pick me up and take good care of me. 

But when reality hit me, I shook my head sadly. 

"No one." Where the only words I was able to slowly choke out. The nurse's eyes fell to the floor gloomily but quickly replaced them with a smile. 

"You can stay here for the night." 


After a few hours of more resting and feeling much much better, I tried convincing the nurse over again to let me go home. 

However I was fighting a loosing battle with this woman. She said for 'saftey percautions' it would be best if I was monitored for the night. Tomorrow I would be free to set off. 

I sighed and laid my head back on my pillow, waving goodbye to her as she picked up her clipboard and made her way out. 

There was nothing to do in this place but listen to the people rumaging up and down the busy hallways. 

See, I was never a fan of hospitals and I doubt many are. I especially hated it being here when something bad happened to someone I cared about. Ever since I was little and my mum had gotten very ill and came so close to death, I was petrified of the people in lab coats and needles. I remember waiting at her bed side for what seemed to be years. Until thankfully one day she woke up and I finally felt like I could breathe again.

The feeling of depression and weaping filled the atmosphere inside the hospital. No wonder patients didnt get better sooner, with all this negative energy around it was making me feel sick again.

I opened my eyes to an unknown man standing in my doorway. He had on his polished white lab coat and pen in pocket. 

"Here, drink this." He said handing out a scoop of medicine. "It'll help you sleep." 

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now