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Kayla's pov

C: Cameron Dallas K: Kayla Dallas
C: hey kayla, I am coming home tomorrow to pick you up :)
K: what why? where are you taking me?
C: You always wanted to come to magcon with me right? Well I talked to Bart and he said it is fine if I brought to the one this weekend
K: OMG! Really? I can't wait, thank you so much Cameron!
C: no problem lil sis our flight is at 4 pm tomorrow I'll pick you up at 2 pm
K: okay I got to go start packing cya then!

Okay you might be thinking that Cameron and I are close, we aren't. He is always busy with magcon so I never am able to see him.

I am a huge fan of all of the magcon boys!

Oh yeah I am 16

Sorry that the beginning is boring it gets better next chapter!

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