"I want the whole family here,I can't just tell half of the family everyone needs to know because this is very important and a big life changing event for me. "Caityln said

"So what your saying is that you
Want kayla,kenny,kylie,mia,bella,jase,riley,and lauren to fly down for this?"I asked just to make sure

"Yes,that's what I'm saying."Caityln said

"Alrighty, I'll have that arranged."I said as I said bye and called up kayla because kylie nor lauren wasn't answering her phone.

-On the phone-

Kayla - Yello

Kim - Hey kay,it's a big announcement that the whole family needs to know ,but we can't announce it without you guys

Kayla- so you need us to fly back down to LA

Kim-yea,this is literally like something huge and we need everyone here because it won't be fare to only tell half of the family

Kayla - Alright we'll try to find a flight

Kim-thanks,see you guys later

Kayla - Okay bye kimmy


-End of call-

Kayla's POV :

''Yo,why you guys leaving?"Sam said putting his arm around me

"Some family announcement,but you guys stay here and enjoy the rest of the trip."I said to him as I looked up at him

"Im gonna miss you guys bro."He said acting like he was crying as I laughed while he soon did as well

"Oh shut up wilkinson."I said as he pulled me in a hug

"Ready?"Lauren asked me as me and sam broke up the hug

"Yea."I said as kylie walked out with mia and bella while kenny was carrying jase,as riley was holding Lauren's hand

"Let's go fam."Kylie said Putting on her ray-bans while the twins copyed her as they put theirs on

"Bye babe."Justin said to me as he picked me up as I kissed him

"Bye."I said as he let me go while I waved bye to everybody and we headed out the door

"Back to Cali it is."Kylie said as we got in the car as I started it up to drive to the airport

Khloe's POV :

We were now all at Bruce's house waiting for everyone. He was in the back room with our mom talking. This must be really important if he doesn't want us to look at him yet. And we've been here here for like 3 hours waiting for everyone else to come back.

"Lauren just texted me saying they'll be here in like another hour."Kendall said as we all said "Uhh"


"Were here!"They all yelled walking in as the kids came running over leanking up with mason,p,and north.

"Wait I need to take reign to the bathroom."Kourtney said as she grabbed his hand and toke him to the bathroom

"Bruce!"Kourtney yelled

"Kourtney please."Bruce said as my mom sounded like she was trying to relax them

"Take reign to the bathroom and we will all talk about this after you guys come out."My mom said to kourt as they went in with their business and after Kourtney came back walked in our mom and..Bruce

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