Chapter Four: The Study Date!

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I'm such a bad person, I know I haven't updated in years and I'm sorry. I just lack ideas, I'll try to get back into the state I was before when I updated regularly. Thanks for having faith in me.


Volume one
Chapter Four.


Naruto's P.O.V

Finally the end of the day, I've never been soo happy. Then it hit me I have a study date with Sasuke now.

Maybe i should just go home, but standing him up would be rude.  


I guess i should just go and sit quietly and try to learn something and then ill finally get to go home.

I walked down the hall to the library, slowly very slowly. Trying to waste as much time as possible.

I reached the library and stood at the door frozen, okay Naruto this is your last chance you bolt for it before he sees you or you can enter and face the devil himself.

Before i could even change my mind i felt a hand tap my shoulder.

"Are you just going to stand there?"

I quickly span around to only be face with Sasuke, well now there definitely no escape.

"No i was just..." i quickly trailed off realizing i had no reasonable answer apart from the fact i was considering running away and not showing up.

Not getting any answer really, he changed the topic.

"Well are you ready to study Naru~" he said with a sly smirk on his face.

For some reason i have a feeling that were not going to get any studying done.

"Yeah, i guess" I said opening the door and walking over to a table.

"You could at least try to sound a bit excited or is it that you just don't like me" Sasuke questioned as he looked into my eyes.

"Well, Um... i could really use some work on maths" i said changing the subject as quickly as possible.

why would he ask me a question like that we haven't even know each other for that long. Getting the hint that i didn't want to answer let alone talk about it he simply nodded and started to take out his books.

"So what don't you understand?" He ask opening the maths book to the content page.

"Well everything really" I answer lowering my head.

"Really! with a answer like that were not gonna getting anywhere," He smile before patting my head and saying.

"I guess we'll just start from the basics, how does that sound"

I smile and nodded.

I guess we will end up studying.

I guess i believe Kiba way to much, he really is just a nice guy.


After an half an hour and so of studying we finally took a break as soon a Sai came rushing in.

"Hidan messed up and miss placed some files again, and they were really important" Sai said panting and leaning over sasuke.

"And??? Cant you see i'm busy" Sasuke said coldly.

This is a side of him i've never seen before. his eyes were strong and cold but also bored and lifeless when Sai spoke to him.

"I know and i didn't want to bother you its just cause we cant find it." Sai replied looking apologetic.

"And what do you want me to do, i told you to stop having Hidan work on the files." He glared at Sai and then turned to me and smiled.

i turned away and blushed, what the hell was that about.

Sai took notice of Sasuke quickly losing all interest and began to speak again.

"Well i had so much work to do and he offered to help, and i was hoping you'd come and help us find them." Sai basically pleaded

"Hm i cant." He said turning back to me his face calm and more lively now. talk about bipolar.

"So what else do you need help with?" he spoke ignoring the fact that Sai was still there.

Even though i was having fun studying with Sasuke Sai seemed need him more.

"Naw its fine you've helped me enough ill just go home and go over things by myself, Sai seems like he could really use the help" I said packing up my stuff.

Before sasuke could even open his mouth Sai spoke.

"Really Naruto that's so kind of you" Sai smile softly at me.

"Really Naruto, Sai messed up so he can fix it himself" Sasuke said protesting.

"That's doesn't  sound like something Mr President should say" I teased him as i stood up and grabbed my bag.

"I guess your right, i hope you do well on maths paper" He smile and put all his books in his bag before following Sai out the library.

Well that wasn't as bad as i pictured in my head i had a good time. Glancing at the table i noticed Sasuke left his phone.

I guess even Mr President make mistakes, i should give it to him before i leave.

I exited the library and made my way down the hall to the student council room. 

Reaching the room i went to open the door only to find that its already open. That a bit strange. dismissing the thought i entered the room only to see Sasuke kissing Sai.

So that's how it is, i kinda see what Kiba meant now.

"Sorry to interrupt, you left your phone in the library" I said with my head down turning bright red.

Sasuke quickly pushed Sai away.

"Naruto..." Sasuke said softly reaching out for my cheek instead of his phone.

I need to get out. I shoved the phone in his hand and left.



Sasuke's P.O.V


As soon as Naruto left i turned to Sai.

"What the fuck do you think your playing at" i yelled pushing passed him and grabbing my bag.

"You know that i like you, don't ignore my feeling like this. don't you dare make me look like a fool" He yelled back twice a loud.

I reached the door but before i left i had to make it clear that he needs to stop getting in my way.

"You already know the answer, your only making yourself look Ike a fool. So stay out of my way" I said and left slamming the door shut.


This is only the begin now that i have fixed my 

computer updates will be happening a lot

faster and i wont disappear and never update 

for like a year, and now that i've got back into

this story i might post another chapter today so

be on the watch.

Thanks for all the continuous support.


p.s could not be bothered to proofread. might be a

bit of mistakes.


End Of Volume One:

Chapter Four.


"He's Trouble"(SasuNaru Fan-Fic) Boy x Boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن