
896 21 10

Wildcat pov
Today I'm going to go bungee jumping with the gang!

Time skip (IM LAZY OKAY)

When I got there the delirious said "hey wild cat you want to go first" he said with a mask on his face.

I know that delirious always actually tries to to kill me "I don't know because you always try to kill me."I said "c'mon are you too chicken to go 1st?" delirious said i was mad now "FINE I'LL TAKE YOUR STUPID CHALLENGE!" 'what did I do?' I tightened up my bungee rope. No one noticed that delirious had scissors and cut off my bungee rope but I noticed as I screamed for help no one heard me fall.

Mini pov
I heard wildcat scream for help but delirious said "oh I guess it's his first time bungee jumping" but I knew something was up I heard a crash and looked down to wave at him but the bungee rope broke or something then I screamed "CALL AN AMBULANCE" delirious stood there innocent.

The ambulance came a minute after the boys were either crying, tearing up, or scarred for life as they sobbed and delirious was feeling guilty and I saw everything. Delirious was actually tearing up. I loved wildcat wait what no I don't well I liked him. We all followed the ambulance and we all sobbed when we saw blood dripping on the concrete staining it. We couldn't do anything but pray and cry.

Hi guys so I made this because I ship it
And I tried to get my spelling correct and I had to make it as fast as I could because I am THAT lazy so I will update later today ok so if you think im lying then think again anyways see you later and sorry im a bit rude today but I just got out of being sick so you should understand and I should stop talking,BYEEEE!:)

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