Amy's Boy

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Maya sat on the bench outside the Matthews house in Philadelphia. She was tagging along with Riley on a weekend trip to visit Josh's parents, Riley's grandparents. Josh was at NYU and every so often went home for the weekend. This time he invited them.

She had heard so many stories about this house, from Cory, from Josh, and even from Shawn. It was completely surreal to be there. Now she was just getting a grip on the fact that this was the house Josh grew up in.

Tonight they were going go to Chubbies, this restaurant Riley's parents kept talking about when they talked about their childhood. She was just waiting for Riley to finish getting ready,

Just as Riley came out of the house, Josh walked up from taking his car to fill it up with gas.

"Are you guys ready?" Josh asked the girls, excitedly. This was one of his favorite places, too, and he couldn't wait to share it with both of them, but mostly Maya.

"Yes!" both girls exclaimed, as they followed him to his car.

"Don't be out late," Amy called from the backdoor. Josh looked back with a smile, nodding and waving.


When they got there, Josh, ever the gentleman, offered to drop them off.

"I'll meet you in there. Why don't you grab a booth?" Josh called through the passenger side door.

"Sounds good," Riley responded, before closing the door and walking up to the restaurant with Maya.

Together they found a booth and waited for Josh. After a little while they grew concerned when he hadn't met up with them in restaurant. Riley had texted him but he hadn't answered. They both started panicking when they heard a siren out in the street.

They got up to go see what was going on. When they got outside, Maya gasped.

"Josh!" Riley screamed, seeing them wheel him into an ambulance.

"What happened to him? He's her uncle. What happened?" Maya questioned, pointing toward the unconscious teenager, as she walked up to a policeman.

"Someone ran a red light just as he was crossing the street. He got hit head-on by the vehicle," the officer responded, before offering, "Do you girls need a ride home?" Riley nodded. As they walked to the officer's car, Maya noticed something familiar lying in the street. It was Josh's beanie. She picked it up and held it in her hands, rubbing it with her thumbs. She stuck it in her pocket before getting into the car.


As they pulled up to the house, the lights caused Amy and Alan as well as Mr. Feeny into their yards.

"What's going on?" the retired teacher questioned them, not appreciating bright lights interrupting his dinner.

"I'm not sure, George," Alan answered as three figures came near them.

"Oh my god," Amy gasped as she began to recognize her granddaughter and her best friend, walking up with the police officer. They feared the worst seeing the girls panicked faces.

"What's the matter, officer? Where's Josh?" Alan inquired, though it came out more like a demand.

"Your son was hit by a driver that blew through a red light as he was crossing the street," the officer answered directly, "You really should get to the hospital. Excuse me but I have to get going." He finished abruptly and returned to his car to get back to work.

"Amy and Alan, I'll drive you, let's go," George interjected before immediately going to his car, the other four following, Amy on the verge of a breakdown and Alan holding her up.

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