Chapter 9

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Cameron's POV

Wren's rebellious side had started to make frequent appearances over the next few weeks. I could tell this change in her had started long before I got here, but it was becoming more obvious now. Wren could find out anything she wanted to. She could stand up to anyone who crossed her and leave them intimidated if not in awe of her. She was even more sassy and sarcastic, but let's be honest: it made me like her even more. This version of her captivated me in a way that the old Wren could never achieve. I had to be careful though. One wrong move and she would bite my head off. I didn't care. It wouldn't change the fact that I was seriously drawn to her.

Wren's POV

My newfound skill to get dirt on anyone made me wildly popular at school. Girls would pay me to get the dirt on their friends. Guys would pay me to make sure that their girlfriends weren't cheating on them. You know, typical teenage problems. Lucas was worried though.

"Wren, you need to be careful", he said to me while we were at our lockers one day.

"Calm down Lucas", I replied. "I'm fine."

"Yeah for now", he snapped. "One day you're going to piss off the wrong people. You could get hurt."

"I'm not that dumb."

"Oh I know. You're actually kind of a genius. But aren't you worried that you're becoming more like Cameron?"

I paused. What if I was like Cameron? Could I be hurting people the same way Cameron hurt me?

"Do me a favour", I said. "If I ever become remotely like Cameron Boyce, feel free to perform an intervention."

"No problem", he said. "I know he hurt you. Maybe this is your coping mechanism."

"Yeah, maybe."

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + 

After school, I made my way to my car. My conversation with Lucas had brought in a fresh flood of anger towards Cameron. The same feelings swept over me again when I saw Cameron leaning against my car, waiting for me.

"Hey sunshine", he said as I approached.

"Hi Cam", I answered.

"I want to talk to you about something."

"Okay, what is it?", I asked.

"I've been thinking a lot", he began. "I've been thinking about the way we were a year ago."

"Yeah, a big mistake, right?"

A hurt look crossed his face before he began to speak. "That's not what I was going to say actually."

"Oh... then what were you going to say?"

"Well it doesn't matter now", he said as he began to slowly walk away.

"Cameron wait", I called as I caught his elbow and turned him around to face me. "I'm sorry, that was rude."

"Oh good, you've seen the light."

"Tell me what you were going to say."

"I told you it doesn't matter."

"It does matter. Please. Tell me."

"Fine Wren, you wanna know?", he said in a sudden burst of anger. "I was going to say that the way I treated you after you left LA was a mistake and I'm sorry. I was going to say that I want what we had again, that I want to be with you. But you made it very clear that you aren't interested."

"Cameron, I-"

"Save it. I don't want to hear your excuses. This was a mistake, I have to go."

This time I didn't stop him. I just watched him go. I stood beside my car completely speechless. On the car ride home, I tried my best to  justify my actions, but I couldn't. Nothing could justify the mistake I just made.


Hi guys,

Hope you liked this chapter. I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads and votes. I'm so glad you guys are enjoying my story! Please comment if you're liking it, I would appreciate it,


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