Chapter 5

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Cameron's POV

So I guess I got into some trouble. Actually, a lot of trouble. Let me tell you, a teenage celebrity getting caught with drugs is not good for publicity. My publicist, who's one job is to make me look good, flipped out. She said that in order to save my reputation, I'd have to hide out for a while. You know, go somewhere where the press wouldn't find me. It was either that or publicly apologize for being a "bad role model." Well I wasn't about to do that, so I chose to hide out.

Canada was the place they chose for me. I knew Wren was from Canada, but I didn't worry to much about seeing her again. We never spoke again after that summer. I think I should have made more of an effort but my career was picking up. Anyway, it was too late now. I thought she would hate me. And I was right.

Turns out she goes to my new school and she's in most of my classes. She didn't want to see me though. In fact, she wanted nothing to do with me. I thought the best way to act would be to pretend that I was exactly who she thought I was: a heartless, stone-cold, player.

I still had feelings for her deep down but obviously, I couldn't do anything about them. Wren had changed, drastically, into someone who didn't care about me anymore.

Wren's POV

 I sat down in my normal seat in social class, dreading the fact that in a few short minutes, Cameron would be sitting next to me. The bell rang and sure enough, Cameron sat down next to me.

"Hey sunshine", he said, referring to the conversation we had yesterday.

I said nothing. The teacher began to talk instead.

"Good morning class", he greeted. "Today, we are starting a research project about the effects of globalization. It will be partner work."

I froze. Partner work? No...

"Partners are based on whoever is sitting with you at your table."

Of course.

"I'll hand out assignments and you may begin", the teacher finished.

"Looks like its you and me, sunshine", Cameron said smugly.

"Guess so."

"The best part is that you have to talk to me if you want to pass this assignment."

"You really think that's the best part?", I asked.

"Well yeah. How else am I going to get you to talk to me", he said, leaning back in his chair.

"Ambushing me at my locker seemed to work pretty well for you", I responded.

"That's true", he said. I looked at him smiling at me. His freckles still lit up his face like they used to. But his eyes didn't sparkle anymore, almost like the fame and fortune sucked the life out of them.

"Yeah", was all I managed to say. Instead of talking, I got to work on our project. As I read the assignment paper, 2 words caught my eye: DUE TOMORROW.

"Due tomorrow!?", I cried. "There's no way I'm getting this done by tomorrow."

"We, Wren", he corrected. "There's no way we are getting this done by tomorrow."

"Whatever", I said. "We are screwed."

"No we're not", Cameron said. "Come over to my house after school. We'll work on it then."

"Okay", I said.

+ + + + + + + + + + +

After school, Cameron appeared at my locker.

"Hey can you drive me to my house?", he asked me.

"You have a car."

"Not at the moment. See, my parents took it because I was caught with drugs."

"Shocker", I said sarcastically.

"Whatever. Can you?"

"Yeah fine."

He followed me out to my car and I could practically hear his mind preparing a list of snarky comments to use when he saw it.

"Aww it's cute and little, just like you", he said as if I were a child.

"Well I bought it because its cute and little so thank you."

He just chuckled as he seated himself in the passenger seat. I got after him and immediately turned on the radio. They were playing Crazy Youngsters by Ester Dean from Pitch Perfect 2.

"Oh no", Cameron said. "Not Pitch Perfect. Please."

"Driver chooses the music", I replied.

"Anything but this", he pleaded.

"Well maybe if you hadn't done drugs, you would have you car right now and you could choose the music. But you don't. So sucks for you."

"You sound like my mom", he said, annoyed.

"Someone needs to lay down the law", I said.

The chorus of the song was playing right at my favourite part.

"We got a lot of things to prove..."

"Just make sure you don't get us killed", Cameron said as he looked out the window.

"Just make sure you don't smoke in my car", I said.

"Relax, sunshine", he said.

"We got a lot of miles to go..."

He looked over at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"So we keep driving..."

"Stop looking at me", I said. He laughed and looked away.

"We keep driving..."

And that's what I did. I kept on driving.


Hi guys,

Hope you liked this chapter. So you finally heard from Cameron and you will continue to hear his side of the story more often.

The song Crazy Youngsters by Ester Dean is actually on the Pitch Perfect 2 soundtrack and it's really good. I actually just saw Pitch Perfect 2 yesterday- totally worth the 3 year wait!

Thanks for reading guys!


P.S. Thank you to laurieboyce for commenting on my story: I really appreciate it!

Just a Year-Cameron Boyce fanfic.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora