Chapter 6

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Cameron's POV

It was a 15 minute drive from the school to my house. But with Wren in the car, it felt like 15 seconds. Lately, I noticed that my old feelings were coming back. I knew it was only a matter of time before my feelings were even stronger than they were before.

We finally pulled up to my house which was fairly small, compared to what I was used to. My publicist said that if I lived in a big house, I would draw attention to myself. That made sense, but I was used to mansions and king-size beds. My new house that I lived in with my family was a regular 2 story house and it looked like every other house on the block. It was a bit of an adjustment.

"Wow", Wren said, looking at the house. "You're almost like a normal person."

"Sadly, yes", I responded.

"What's wrong with normal?", she asked.

"Well for one thing", I began. "Normal people aren't as rich as I am."

"And what do you need extra cash for? Oh wait... Drugs! Of course, how could I forget", she questioned sarcastically. I knew she would hold the whole drug thing against me for as long as she could. My fatal flaw just happened to be something scandalous.

"You'd be surprised at how expensive good drugs are", I said, playing along now.

"I'm sure they make a huge dent in your bank account", she replied. She unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her black leather bag. Her bag itself proved how much she changed. The old Wren would have hated black leather. She was edgier now. Rebellious even.

"Well, lets go", she said as she exited the car. I did the same and we made our way to my front door.

"Nobody's home", I said flirtatiously as I fished my keys out of my pocket. "Just me and you." I winked at her, only to receive a disgusted face in return.

"Don't flatter yourself", she said coldly as she stepped through the door I had opened for her. I walked in after her and shut the door. We made our way to the dining room where there was the most workspace.

"Well I guess we should get started", Wren mumbled as she spread out her work. She immediately began to work hard and there was no stopping her.

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"What are you looking at?", she snapped when she looked up and saw me staring.

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how last time we were alone together, we were making out on the beach", I said.

"Stop, you'll make me blush", she replied in a cold, sly way that shocked me. Two could play at the game.

"Wouldn't life be easier for both of us if you were indifferent to me?", I asked in a way that matched the coldness in her own voice.

"Yes", she said. "Clearly I'm having a hard time."

We both looked at each other with dislike for what seemed like a long time until her phone rang.

Wren's POV

My phone rang and disrupted the involuntary staring contest that Cameron and I were currently having. Indifferent to him? Clearly, hating him was easy for me.

I reached for my phone and saw Halley's name on the screen.

"I have to take this", I mumbled as I took my phone and left the room. Sighing, I answered the call.

"Hey Halley", I said.

"Hey Wren, where are you?", she asked. I hesitated. I couldn't tell her I was with Cameron. So, I improvised.

"I am working on a project at my partner's house right now", I answered. Luckily, she didn't ask anymore questions.

"Oh, well Penelope just wanted to say goodnight." I pulled the phone away from my ear to check the time. The clock read 6:30. '6:30 already?', I thought to myself. I had already been here for 3 hours.

"Okay, yeah put her on", I said.

"Wren?" An adorable little voice came over the speaker and filled my ears. My heart swelled. Penelope was 4 now and she was the most important person to me.

"Hey Penelope!", I said happily. "Are you all ready for bed?"

"Yes I am", she answered. "I have my Minnie Mouse PJs on."

"Are those your favourite?"


"Okay sweetie, I have to go, goodnight!"

"Goodnight. I love you Wren."

"I love you too, baby girl. Sweet dreams." I heard a giggle and then the line went dead. I slowly made my way back into the dining room where Cameron was.

"Who was that?", he asked.

"Halley", I answered. As I walked back to my seat, I stumbled and dropped my phone. The purple case flew off and a picture hit the floor. The picture I always kept with me. My heart lurched as Cameron and I both peered down at the picture on the floor.

The photo was of me and my 2 younger sisters, Lily and Jen, smiling at the camera, hugging each other. The picture was taken only a week before the crash that killed them both happened.

I bent down and picked up the picture, putting it back between my phone and the case.

"You keep that with you all the time?", Cameron asked quietly.

"Yeah", I replied. "Just as a reminder I guess."

"A reminder of what?"

"That they're never truly gone."

"I'm sorry", he said.

"What are you sorry for?", I asked, getting frustrated now. "You didn't kill them."

"No, but I know that they were important to you."

I looked away. Maybe it was sensitive to talk to Cameron about this because we had bonded over it all those months ago. I had been to countless therapists after the accident to become comfortable again. None of them worked, but for some reason, I felt more comfortable with Cameron in that moment than I had in a long time.

I knew that old feelings could come back, but wasn't this wrong? Crazy even?

Well, ever heard the one about the druggie who was satisfied with one last puff of the good stuff?

Yeah I haven't either.


Hi readers,

Hope you liked this chapter. Both Cameron and Wren are finally realizing the reality that old feelings come back pretty quickly. Where will it take them? Keep reading to find out!

The ending to this chapter is referring to a quote from the Veronica Mars movie. I have put an addict theme in this story that reappears many times. It was present in the ending to the prologue and reflects Cameron's character and his situation. Just thought I would shed some light on the theme.

Votes and comments are appreciated,


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