Meaningless Numbers (boyxboy)

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There's boyxboy romance in this story. Please tell me what you think! If I don't get feedback, I probably won't continue the story/: so if you happen to like it, let me know. And just as a fair warning, I don't have an editor. So forgive me for grammar problems >.< I'm happy to have someone message me and let me know if there's anything that needs fixing, though. enjoy:)


The day was just going by too slow. He stared up at the clock from the back desk in the far left corner of the room. He wanted to get home, to silently slip out of the classroom and never see this place again. But the minuets seemed to pass by slower and slower on purpose.

It seemed to him that even time itself was against his wishes. It was finally the big moving day, the day that he had been looking forward to it for years. The sooner he was able to get home, the better.

"Why don't you come up here and solve this Kai," said the teacher.

Kai tore his eyes from the clock. "Huh?"

A few giggles and snickers erupted across the room and he felt his face flush in embarrassment.

The old man motioned to the whiteboard with an advanced multi-step algebraic equation scribbled across it. "The problem. Come solve it, please."

Kai stared up at him in disbelief. Not again, he thought.

"Just because its your last day doesn't mean he's going to go easy on you," said a voice on the other side of class. Kai should of seen a remark like that coming. Especially when it came from the damn asshole who always made his life a living hell. He war a letterman's jacket like a typical jock, expecting it to boost his prestige even without any achievement patches. Of course, no one liked the  kid anyway, and this was the majority that Kai had a right to be a part of.

He hesitated for a moment. By now he should have been used to the attention, but even though his mind understood this fact, his body didn't. he felt his pulse quicken and a bead of sweat form on the temple of his forehead. Relax, he told himself. You know these people. It will be the last time you'll ever have to suffer through this humiliation.

Kai rolled his eyes, more at his mental weakness rather than the task he had to do, and got up from his seat. Taking the black expo marker with trembling hands, he began easily solving the problem. deep down, he enjoyed being able to show off his talent. He had a slight feeling of pride stored away in his discomfort. But from his outward appearance, he was sure he looked like a weak, scared little animal.

The quick taps of the tip on the board was the only sound heard in the class. In just moments, he circled the final answer and handed the marker back to the teacher.

Kai made it obvious to everyone that he hated standing up there by quickly receding back to his chair, avoiding any potential eye contact with the students that he passed. play it off cool, he said to himself.

"Is there anything you cant solve," the man said under his breath, gawking at the board with his typical goofy grin. It was one of those grins he only got after Kai beat his weekly challenges.

"It's only his typical human calculator routine," sighed a boy a few seats ahead of him.

Kai scowled at the thought of comparing himself to a calculator. All those damn things ever did for him was waste time by having to press all those buttons. They weren't needed. He hated being compared to those pieces of crap.

"Nah, he was just showing off like always," the jock from earlier said.  

"What a nerd," another student stated.

"More like a freak of nature," the jock spat out again. "Why's he in algebra? He needs moved to those advanced college classes." He looked back at Kai and shot him a piercing glare, followed by an unreadable expression. "I'm sick of being shone up by him."

He winced at the harshness of the other boy's words. He would be one of the many things he wouldn't miss in his new home.

Heads nodded in agreement across the room. Kai couldn't understand why people were constantly acting this way toward him. He had always gotten a world of shit from others at this school, especially from him over there, making matters worse all the time. I won't have to deal with it for much longer.

"He's the biggest ass of them all," Kai found himself muttering out loud, thankful his words were unheard.

The end bell for last period rang.

Finally, he thought. He felt the beginning of his family's life step closer into being a reality. Kai quickly got up from the seat and slung his bag across his shoulder, only to be stopped by the teacher in the process.

"Nice work," he said with a smile. "I hope you planning on enrolling in higher up classes at your new school," he told him, running his fingers through his thin, graying hair. Kai glanced impatiently at the door, the last of the students making their way through. "I threw everything I had into making that problem for you as a farewell parting. I did all I could to keep it within the boundaries of  algebra. It was from an advanced college algebra class I took in college, actually, yet you solved it in seconds without any sort of trouble." he paused for a moment. Hurry the hell up, Kai thought. "I've never even taught the class how to solve that particular equasion, so you must spend a lot of time studying. you shouldn't let all that talent go to waste."

"I'll keep it in mind," Kai replied, taking his chance and rushing out of the room before the old man said anything more.

Making his way down the hall, the high schooler replayed the conversation he had just had, smirking at the teacher's ignorance. That guy wouldn't have guessed that Kai had known everything there was to know about algebraic functions for as long as he could remember, as limited as his past memories were. But Kai wouldn't let on to that fact. not to anyone. Not even is mother, or a future friend. No one. Kai intended for it to stay that way.

The hallways were clearing by now, letting him easily get to his locker to empty it of his last remaining belongings.

Free at last.

Slamming it shut, he found himself greeted with a harsh punch across the side of his face. With his senses muddled and confused, He fell hard on the hallway's tile, hitting his head hard against the chilling linoleum.

"You deserved that," said a shockingly familiar voice. Kai sat up, a severely pounding pain starting up in his head, along with a trace of the warm, coppery flavor of blood that filled his mouth. Still a bit disoriented, he caught eyes with the annoying Kid from 6th period. Jace was his name, he thought. Or something like that.

"Excuse me," Kai managed to say through the pain. "Whats your problem?"

"You leaving is my problem," Jace hissed. He pointed down accusingly at Kai. "No matter what I do, or what i've done, you continue to brush me off without notice. Either your memory has gotten wacked over the years or you decided to forget. Now your leaving like you did last time?" His expression changed as he slightly raised his chin and stared down at him, ashy brown strands of hair falling down over his left eye, casting a shadow over it. "Not a chance," he muttered. "Not until you realize what you've lost."

Kai stared up in confusion. "Excuse me?"

"Just wait," Jace warned. With that, he spun around on his heel and walked off in anger.

Meaningless Numbers (boyxboy) part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant