Chapter 4

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The bathroom door opened with a creek. "Kai," he heard.

That voice was recognisable anywhere. Jace?

Kai wasn't in the mood to put up with the kid. He walked cautiously from out of the stall and went to the sink, where he turned on the cold water and splashed it in his face.

"Go away," he said to him coldly, now leaning over the white porcelain with the ends of his auburn hair dripping.

"Seems like you finally have the nuts to stand up against me," he said.

The jock pulled a paper towel from the dispenser and handed it to Kai, who took it wearily.

Kai was waiting for a hit to the face, Or for him to grab him by his hair and drag him back to that damn classroom.

"Don't worry. I'm not in the mood to be a bitch right now," he said with a smirk, reading Kai's untrusting  expression.

"Right," he growled back.

"I'm serious." To Kai, Jace's honest tone wasn't normal. Was he sick? He studied Jace's face a moment, unable to take his eyes off of his injuries.

Maybe it hurts, and he just doesn't have the energy to do anything.

"What-" Kai hesitated. "What happened to your face?" He was brimming with curiosity and confusion. Jace was a great fighter, and amazing at sports. who the hell would of been able to get through all of his defense techniques?

Jace leaned over a sink to look at himself in the mirror. His fingertips gently slid over his swollen lip. " I made someone really pissed last night."

"Hah," Kai retorted. He dried his face and tossed the paper towel into a nearby trash can. "You do that a lot." He stood a few paces behind Jace, seeing his own reflection over the boy's shoulder. His own fading purple bruise nearly indiscernible.

Jace glanced over at Kai's reflection, then twisted himself around and leaned back against the brick wall of the bathroom. "I know I do."

"How conceded," Kai murmured, taking a few quick steps and leaning against the wall across from the jock.

The other boy crossed his arms. "I know that, too."

"Why are you here," Kai questioned.

"Why, to bring you back of course," He said sarcastically with a grin.

Except Kai's face remained expressionless.

Any minuet, He thought. Any minuet and he's going to ambush me and I'd be helpless. He's bigger, stronger, faster... And we're alone. Dammit.

"Come on," he told Kai, motioning toward the bathroom door.

When Kai looked at him, he couldn't see any trace of hostility in Jace's dark eyes. He wondered if he had seen them somewhere, the familiarity itching in the back of his mixed memories. He didn't know how to sort through his inner emotions, caught between the thought that his new attitude was leaving Kai more fearful of the kid, or relieved of the thought that perhaps they could get along.

Jace walked over from his position and wrapped his arm around Kai, making him feel awkward. "Lets get to class, man."

Any moment, he told himself. its a trick. Except, Kai didn't believe his own thought.

He felt a push towards the door from behind, which Jace opened and led him out of. "Now that wasn't so hard, huh?"

Kai smacked Jace's arm off his shoulders. "Don't ever do that again," he warned.

The boy held his hands up in defense. "OK, OK," he pleaded.

The confusion wouldn't stop eating at him. Why was he so different today?

Both of the boys walked through the door at the same time as the bell rang. Grabbing his bag, Kai quickly escaped the room into a crowd of students, praying he wouldn't get noticed by anyone. He felt a slight twinge of guilt for leaving Jace lingering in the class.

Kai pushed through the front doors of the school and ran right into a man in a grey suit.

Professor Nash.

"I figured you'd try to sneak out," he said lightheartedly. "Kai, do you mind coming with me a moment?" he asked.

He glared at the man who had outsmarted him. What choice did he have?

Meaningless Numbers (boyxboy) part 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن