Nowhere To Go- Part 1

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My body forcefully swayed from left to right in reaction to the bitter and strong wind as I walked along the small sidewalk, squinting my eyes uncomfortably, attempting to focus on where the heck I was headed exactly.

I knew where my house was when I stepped outside into the cold night, but as the sky unexpectedly grew heavier with thick falling snow by the second, confusion took a toll on my sense of direction and I found myself literally just continuing forward despite the amount of turns I knew I needed to make. On a normal day, however, my sense of direction isn't something to pride oneself over, but at the moment this weather is making it even more difficult to work with myself.

I glanced behind me for a quick fragment of time only to familiarize myself with the surrounding conditions, and to my surprise a thick blizzard of snow had unfortunately disrupted the vision of the pathway in which I had struggled to follow for the past twenty minutes already. Once I faced the front of me again, I could no longer see only the slightest hint of a sidewalk or nearby shrub along it, which I had been utilizing to avoid bumping into anything. The only thing I saw with my halfway closed eyelids were frozen snowflakes parachuting downwards resembling feathers, showing no signs of stopping. And although the sight was pretty, I was seriously scared shitless.

I stopped in my tracks, a feeling of panic taking over my chest, and eventually my whole body which started to shake shortly after I realized I was screwed. Gripping my arms tightly, I abruptly turned left and began wandering in that direction instead, believing that West would eventually give me more luck than North had.

After I passed the limit of time that I would usually allow myself to wander without asking someone for directions, I proclaimed in my head that me, Mala, was genuinely lost, and there was no way that any other living soul would be conveniently strolling out here in the freezing cold at 10 PM whom could possibly help me find my way back home.

At this point, I began to feel angry at myself and foolish for not allowing my friend to give me a ride home. Why? Well, because my apartment is only a block and a half away from the bar I came from almost an hour ago, and I was confident that I could make it home with ease; independently. But of course, who would even begin to think that they wouldn't be able to make it home because of a giant snow storm waltzing in and ruining their night? Definitely not me.

As I slowly inhaled shallow breaths of air to my quavering lungs, transparent— but visible— clouds of hot air escaped from my trembling, chapped lips. I couldn't even feel my face, let alone my hands and feet. I could only imagine how I looked right now; Vulnerable, frightened, and not exactly... Living. I shook my head like a wet dog after a bath to empty myself of the scary thoughts that come with being alone in a situation like this. I am a grown woman who can handle herself, I mean I've already made it this far on my own. That counts for something right? After all, I still have my phone, which is unbelievable since I am quite irresponsible towards it whenever I go out. My numb, red hand reached into my freezing jacket pocket to pull out my touch screen, only to disappointingly find that it was dead. Greaat. (Note the sarcasm)


The more steps I took, the weaker I became, the deeper my footprints seeped into the soft white blanket, and soon enough I realized that I had transitioned into trudging through ankle deep snow. Now I was really fucked. At this point my legs were extremely sore and I was running out of breath. I needed to find shelter, and fast. My heart beat accelerated as I confusedly forced an excess amount of energy out of myself, even managing to break a sweat despite the extremely low temperature. I bent over to catch my breath and to gain some motivation back, then as I looked behind me, I realized I had just made it over a small hill. The ground platform I was standing upon seemed like a level surface for as far as the snow allowed me to see, and so I figured it was safe to continue on. As I examined the scenery, a faint yellow light in the distance caught my eye. Well, that's just fan-fucking-tastic; Finally, some signs of life beyond myself! A spark of hope ignited within me and thawed some of the ice that had accumulated.

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