Geez, the kid is this where you go all the time? Jerry asked me looking around amazed.

Yep welcome to the off the street dance-sing off bash. I say bring him into the dressing room that is attached to the stage. It's actually where the old restrooms use to be before Fred and his boys fixed it up real nice.

Now, this is where everyone is getting ready to go on stage so we can see what the challenge is and prepare for it within a week. And Saturday it times up.

This is amazing Sy really it is. Can I bring my kids to watch it next time? He asks me.

Sure just don't tell Janet. She will make me stop doing what I love. I tell him smiling.

We're coming back on Saturday that's when the real show is this part is just to see what we gotta do in to show. You and your family can be in one too. I smile at the fact that he's having a good time.

Cool, we would love to be in one. He says looking happy. But if we get caught I'm gonna have to tell Janet the truth. He says which I fully understand, the men have to keep food on the table for his kids.

Syanne is that you? Kayla asks from her chair in front of the mirror.

In the flesh baby. I say laughing. Taking a seat in my chair and telling Jerry he can sit in the last seat cause no one sits there.

Dayum Mami you look hot and who's that guy over there. Gena yells pointing to Jerry.

Thanks and that's Jerry my guard and driver and pretty soon one of our back up, dancers. I tell her while spinning in my chair.

Dayyumm and where you get the money to afford Jerry and those new clothes. Gena yells again being such a loudmouth.

Oh, I don't pay him, but Janet does. I said smiling like a fool, knowing that they're about to flip.

You got adopted. They say in unison.

Yep, I'm glad it was before I turned eighteen because there would have been no hope. I say smiling at their excitement.

Omg by who? We're so happy for Say Say. They using my nickname they gave me. We're all the same age born on the same day just different months. There's also something no one knows about us we have the power to control the elements.

Well, just one but we do. Since I was the last to be born I got stuck with water. Woahhh team December babies. Gena is earth cause she's a November baby oh yeah. Kayla is fire cause she was born first as an October baby.

All of us have another side to our selves that we have to gain control of. In this book that was given to us, one of us can't and won't have control over it so the others have to stop her from destroying everything that gets in her way of what she's trying to eliminate out of her life.

It scary I tell ya but we all made a guess of who would be and all of us said cough cough, Kayla, she even said it was gonna be her.

Supposedly one of us three will go from our normal selves. Our clothing and hair will turn black as the night sky. Our element will be swirling in a ring around our bodies.

If you saw the picture that was in the book ... you'll understand. I thought it look pretty cool but it was scary to know that one of us is gonna lose it one day.

Hellllooo! Are gonna tell us who adopted your ass or you just gonna sit there smiling like an idiot? Gena shouts in my ear snapping her fingers in my face.

Oh... um her name Janet Jackson, you know Michael Jackson's baby sister. I turn to them as they freak out again, but stops calming down.

Sy does she even know about this street dancing and singing your doing? Kayla asked becoming very serious.

No, and she never will I promise. I look in her eyes letting her know that I am very serious.

Are you willing to get fired for her playboy if y'all get caught? Gena asks Jerry mean-mugging him.

He won't get fired, I won't let her fire him. I retort back looking over at her.

And stop it with the Nicki Minaj stuff. Gena is such a bisexual for Nicki Minaj it makes no sense.

You just jelly that she can have all this and you can't. She says rolling her body while running her hands up and down it laughing.

Have all that shorty? I ask her laughing because I know she hates being called short.

Ohhh girl you better be lucky someone else is in the room cause if they weren't you have a boulder flying towards your ass right now. She says smiling and pulls me into a bone-crushing bear hug.


Adopted by Janet Jackson {ON HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now