A Brighter Side

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I spent the rest of my walking home with my eyes filled with tears. I walked slowly down the street to my house.

I was really going miss Scott. I loved him more than anything and I blew my chance to spend the rest of my life with him.

That was our first fight and it turned out to be a nasty break up.
This was all my fault.

When I got to my house, I was happy to see Mallory and Ava coming to greet me. I sat on the couch and put Ava on my lap.
"I did something bad," I told her. I knew she could listen to me but I don't think she understands me.

But I really need someone to talk to.

I lost the guy of my dreams...

Just then I heard a the doorbell ring. I got up to get it. When I opened it, I saw Nicolas with hands in his pockets.

"What are you going here?" I asked softly while wiping tears from my eyes.

"Uh, I wanted to see how you were doing," he said. "Plus my girlfriend just broke up with me."

I motioned for him to come inside as I walked to the couch. "I'm sorry about that," I sniffed as I grabbed a tissue from the stand next to the couch.

"It's alright," Nicolas said as he picked up Ava from her playpen. "We weren't so good together anyway; she's very controlling."
He put Ava on his lap and smiled.

"She's so adorable," he said.

I looked them together and smiled also. "Yeah, I've been saying that ever since she was born."

The key went through the front door and Axl walked inside. "Hey Axl," I sniffed one more time before heading to the kitchen.

"Nicolas?" Axl said hanging up his coat. "What are you doing here?"

"I was here to comfort your sister; I hope you don't mind," he said as he put Ava back down.

"It's not me you have to worry about, its my dad." Axl chuckled as he headed my direction.

That left Nicolas in a uncomfortable position.

"How's Scott taking you and Nicolas? Is like Darrin?" Axl asked me as he opened the refrigerator. "Actually," I sat on the counter. "Scott and I broke up."

He looked up from the refrigerator. "What?! We were becoming good friends!"

Looked at him with a confused look.

"You call pointing a knife at him is becoming friends?
"Long story short, but I don't want to talk about though."

"Well I think I'm going to go before your dad gets here," Nicolas said getting up from the couch.

At that exact moment dad walked through the door and Nicolas stood right below him. "What are you doing in my house?" He asked Nicolas in a stern voice. I didn't mention this before but my dad is like 6'9", so to Nicolas, my dad was a giant!

"I'm sorry sir I was just leaving," he tried to shimmy past him, but he blocked his way. "Aren't you the kid who almost left my daughter brain damaged?"

At that point Nicolas was speechless so I had to help him out. "Dad he's fine, he just wanted to help me out."

He finally let Nicolas go home, while I was left alone.

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