Part Four; bleeeeh.

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I left school at 2:10 despite the fact that school didnt finish untill 2:15.. I didn't even care. I got home and looked onto my blog site. I had  message, I knew it was from megan. I instantly smiled. Before I looked at the message I looked on her profile, alot of her family had posted stuff like RIP BEAUTIUL on there, my heart skipped a beat, and I read the message. 

"To my bestfriend Kira. By the time you read this, I will be gone. It'll be over. I just wanted to make sure that you knew how muched I loved you, and how much I still do. I'm sorry for leaving you alone, but truth is.. I know you're strong enough to do this on your own. Just don't try and join me and the rest of the angels up here please haha. You were my only friend, and you are perfect okay? to me anyway. I'll miss you, and the way I made you smile, the way you made me smile, but i'm in a better pleace now. Don't ever forget that I love you to the stars and back! If you ever get the chance, come to england and visit my grave. Don't cry though, because I wont be there to wipe your tears and It will make me feel bad. Goodbye Beautful. I' love you long time.~" 

Tears were gushing down my face, while i read the letter over and over and over again. Remembering all the moments i had with her, our late night chats, phonecalls, our laughs and jokes. Great. How would I cope? ughugh. I remembered the first time I met her, we'd skyped and she looked so happy, her laugh so full of life. I remembered her telling me that we'd be forever friends, how nobody would tear us apart. She'd looked like the happiest girl in the world, so proud of herself. And now, here we were. In the position we'd promised eachother we'd never be in. I lifted my head up, forcing my tears to back into my tear hole, before screaming up at the ceiling; 'Meg..if you can hear me, I'll miss you so much..I..i love you." Before i knew it, i finally came to terms of things, and began weeping into my hands. It just hit me that the only person i could talk to, the only person i trusted, my bestest friend in the entire world, was gone forever.."Hey god, you've just gained yourself a beautiful angel, please don't take advantage of that." I whispered to myself. I heard the door go downstairs but I didn't care anymore. I just laid on my bed and cried and cried..untill i fell asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2013 ⏰

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