Ohai Bitches. The names Meg.. but it's chief to you..wait whut. I'm the leader of the Stabahoe tribe! do NOT i repeat NOT intimidate me..i will..i repeat WILL kill you..ok? cool. 
Well.. I like writing okay? yeah. Someday I want to write something so spectacular ya'll be like whut.
I'm INCREDIBLY sarcastic..if you piss me off..my sarcasm is gonna rain on you like Mofokkin snow yagetme? I seem stuck up and bitchy from this whole text well im not. It's an act. In fact. I'm broken. Torn if you like, I act like I'm strong then when I'm home I let my guards down. Yeah enough of that. You do not need to know my life story.
I love everyone and everything ok? everyone is equal. But get on my nerves, be rude to me and watch me rip all of your fingernails off one by freaking one.
Most of you would have stopped reading this by now because im being incredibly rude, but it's because if i'm nice i get let down. shut down. cast off and hurt. It's better to be safe than sorry.
I'm single. I have no loving in my life. I need some yes. But i havnt got any. You know why? Im stubborn. i love tripple chocolate fudge cake too much. no. im not fat. I just eat alot of cake. whut you sayin.'
However. I can be sweet. If im in a relationship. its just me and you yeah? fuck the haters. fuck what everyone else things. me and you.
read my stories. like it up. share my page. tell your friends. don't like me? take a hike. think im trippin? tie my shoes.

Love you all forever and always,

Chief Kickabitch xoxox
  • Romfordd.
  • JoinedApril 4, 2013

Story by Meg c;