Alaya sliver

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I had a new arm I haven't had one in 10 years so this was going to be fun. I had to get ride of my shapes hiding magic so really faces. i even saw my own grave. well this sucks.

I got to the cude. I pick up ezra sword she drop. I moved my way threw elimating everyone who stood in my way. I came to one of the nine. "you think those two where easy I'm in a legue of my owe." I said

he blink and his head was on the ground. I moved on leaving the uncounus there. 5 demons later. there was natzu and the dragon twin "they have back up." sting said.

"I am a friend." I growl.

I quickly elematied there opposition. I moved on then elematied the top dog and burnt the books zeref was after then skip out. as the room when up in flames. then rest escape and there was a meeting on the ground.

I hand ezra the sword. "thank you for lending it to me."I said in how I was suppose to speak.

"you look like how my sister should."

"ah sliver Dimond you mean?"

"yes are you her?"

"no sorry she was a fuel I have been over seas since I ran away after releasing the Dragan. I heard that someone was playing with my name. I am a freelance mage swift magic aka trickiest. silte of hand but with body."I said

"so your alaya cruzt?"

"yes I am."

Rouge hugged me crying. I pat the back of his head."it's been a long time. " he said.

"you should join sabretooth."

"I lost a bet to the fairy guildmaster so I joined with them. I'm sorry."I smiled.

"it's all right."

"I'm not that great at it.".

so we went back to fairy tail erza, gramp, marjane and me had a pritve meeting and it was good they new about me. I got to the guild and I walk over to laxus. he look at me with the fuckoff skull. "hI I am alaya your grampa told me about sliver. I'm sorry you lost the love of your life."I said sitting down

"go away." he said.

well this suck. I went over to gramps "there a dark glow around him."I whisper.

"he's gone back to the way he was. there's a dark glow around the guild from your death as sliver."

"don't see why the guild can't know. Im going for a walk."

"your building being auction off tomorrow."

"I'll buy it back. is my stuff in there ."

"no it's in storge. you can't have any of it. oh and your money's been donated to fairy tail" he laughed.

"you forget who my family's is. and what I recently done for fairy tail." I said.

he freak out. "fine then."

"thank you business is aprated."

I jumped up and strolled out. I went and had tea. I sat at the tea shop then I went and visited my grave it's kind of chilling. "Alaya." Rouge said.

I grab him under my arm. "I know it's you sliver. you can't lie to me." he said placing down the flower.

"I face exution if I get found out."I whisper.

"ah so how did you come up with this plan."

"well I didn't gramps did. he just told me what I have to do. this is a big secret. it frecken sucks." I laughed.

The Dimond Dragon, (fariy tail fan ficton) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now