I eventually calmed myself, and gained control of my powers once more. I sat down on the ocean floor. I can't go back there because I'll just be reminded of the heartbreak. I sighed. Maybe I could go home? I pulled out the last drachma in my pocket, and started at it for a while.

I swam to the surface and formed an oval with the water, throwing the coin in,"Oh Iris, please accept this offering. Show me Sally Jackson."

The water flickered before my moms face showed up. Paul saw me first, for he pointed at me. My mom turned around, and I saw her carrying a bundle of blankets. That's not what teared me up, no. It was the little face poking out from underneath all that. I smiled,"Hey, mom."

She smiled back,"Percy! How are you, dear?"

"I'm great." I lied,"And who's that?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting to hear it from her.

She looked down at the baby,"This is your little sister, Cress."

Her name means moon which is a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl,"This is so wonderful mom, and I'm so happy for you. Can I come visit her?" I asked.

Paul awkwardly excused himself and patted my mom on the back. She frowned, avoiding my eyes"Uh, well, Percy that's the problem." She said slowly,"I really don't want her involved in the Greek Mythology world."

I was confused for a moment before I put pieces together,"Oh." I muttered,"I see."

She sighed,"Look, Percy-"

"No mom, it's fine. Whatever." I said, grimacing at the bitterness in my voice,"I know when I'm not wanted. First camp, now you? It's no coincidence..."

My moms eyes widened,"Wait, what happened at camp?"

I rolled my eyes,"Doesn't matter. Goodbye." Before she could say anymore, I swiped my hand through the Iris Message. I ducked my head underneath the water again, and felt comforted instantly. I refused to let more tears fall. I'm better than this, and I will not let myself break down.

I sighed and started to swim to the last place I could think of. It took me quite a while, but I found my way after getting some directions from nearby fish. I reached the front doors and fixed myself. The guards had instantly opened the gates once they saw my face.

"Your father would be in the throne room, my lord." One of them said, bowing. I grimaced, but said nothing and swam forward.

Once I arrived, I saw my dad talking to Delphin and Triton, and he pointed at a paper. Triton saw me first and scowled,"Father, I didn't know you were having guests."

My dad looked up and saw me. He frowned,"Percy? I, uh, wasn't expecting you to come..." He said,"What happened? Is it an emergency?"

I squirmed underneath Tritons cold glare,"Uh, sorry. I didn't plan to come here either, it's just-" My voice cracked, but I carried on,"I didn't know where else to go." I muttered, looking down. I tried everything in my power to not cry, yet it was getting harder by the second,"But if you're busy-" I started to walk out.

"No, no!" Poseidon quickly said, looking at me in concern and worry,"It's fine. Come here and tell me what's wrong." I didn't get far before I completely broke down. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face as I let out a choked sob,"Oh, Percy..." My dad got down from his throne and wrapped me in an embrace.

"I was going to propose to her!" I let out,"I was so ready and-and excited, but I come back to see her cheat on me! She cheated, and I can't believe it!" I continued to cry, not caring if Triton or Delphin was in the room or not.

My dad pulled out the hug and held me at arms length,"Annabeth?" I nodded, trying to wipe the tears away,"Are we talking about the same girl?" He seemed genuinely confused,"Annabeth wouldn't-"

"That's what I thought too dad..." I whispered,"I saw it with my own eyes. It doesn't make sense..." I bit my trembling lip,"Gods, then my mom decided she didn't want me in her life anymore! I get that she doesn't want her child in the Greek world, but she's cutting me out entirely! You're my last hope..."

Poseidon looked like he wanted to say more, but thought better of it. He looked at his two companions,"Can I have a minute, please?" They nodded, and I noticed Triton wasn't glaring at me, instead, he was giving me a look of pity. I hated it.

Once they were gone, my dad hesitated before saying,"So, you don't want to go back to camp or Sally's?"

I nodded,"Guess I'm not wanted..."

Poseidon's eyes flashed in anger,"Don't say that. You are very special, Percy, and they'll regret doing anything bad to the Savior of Olympus. Twice!" He stated, then calmed down,"Look, we could always make you a god. That way you have a place to stay, and you won't be allowed in camp. Win-win, yeah?"

My eyes widened in shock,"A God?"

He nodded,"Hopefully, I could convince Zeus to make you an Olympian, for you deserve the spot more than anyone."

"I-I don't know-"

"Percy," He gave me pleading eyes,"As much as I hate to admit this, but what choice do you have? You could go and start a new life in the mortal world, or become a god."

I was thinking about going to Camp Jupiter, but figured that if Camp Half-Blood hates me, so will they. I met my dads eye and said,"Ok." He grinned at me and teleported us to Olympus.

Hopefully, I won't regret this...

Moving On: Book 1 (PJO/HoO FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now