Chapter 5

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"You come home late, obviously."

Mom shocked me hanging by her room door. Dang. I've been trying make no sound by taking off my heels and tiptoe-ing to my room. But she's a mother. Mother knows how to catch her daughter off guards.

"Yeah..." I giggled. "I went with some friends."

"I saw that."

"I'm sorry. I know it's really late. Never again."

"Who are they?"

I looked at her. "You...aren't mad at me?"

"Later, probably, I will." She groaned rolling her eyes. "Weren't they playing too?"

"Band." I nodded. "Before You Exit."

"And one of them drove you personally because...?"

"Mom!" I almost choked my own words. "Not personally. The rest were in the van behind us. He didn't let me drive so..."

"Quite a gentleman." Mom winked. She made me blush. "Change and go to sleep. Now."

"Alright!" I gave a thumb up then ran to my room. Phew.

But yeah. For real. What was happening? Riley, that new guy who caught my attention, just spent most of his 5 hours with me? And he just what, kissed my forehead? What kind of night I just spent with them, really. Never thought we would get along that well. Aside from how good they treated me tonight, how could I shake it off, knowing he's not here forever?


This morning I woke up to very pounding head. Think I have drunk too much coffee last night. I felt my eyes were as big as eggs. I immediately washed my face, showered fast, then went downstairs for brunch.

Morning, you.

I chuckled. Just so on time.

Morning, you too.

Any works today? :)

Will be going to a meeting with radio team. You?

Flight back to Orlando, sadly..

So bad :( Tell them to go back here soon. Next hang, my treat.

Only them? You don't want me to come back? Sad :(

I laughed twice harder. This guy, behind that perfect feature, was just one child.

Unfortunately. Haha. You as well, dork :)

Dork? Your dork :)x

Well that one last text, I blushed. He told me last night he's not a text person. That's why I didn't expect anything from him. The least, fast texting moment. But he just did. Perfectly well. I'm impressed. He did try something. Oh gosh, what are we.

"Mooooom I'm hungry!" I slided down through the handrail.

She gasped. "Get down you girl! Walk!"

"Hahaha." I kissed her cheek. "Aye, steak and fries!"

"It's lunch already."

"I know." I stole a fry.

"So tell me how is he?"

"He? Who?"

"That guy who drove you home." Dad showed up from kitchen door which gave him access to garage.

I choked. "Mom, who else?"

"Just your father. Since your nonna isn't here."

I groaned loudly. "He's...yeah he's fine. He's good. Kind person. Cool friend."

"Specific." Dad smirked.

"What? Oh gosh... Okaaay alright. His name is Riley McDonough. That one band you saw last night was them. He's the main vocalist. Those three guys at the front playing guitars, they're all brothers. Drummer and bassist are best friends. Should I write it down in an article?"

"Well, you learned a lot in one night." Mom teased. "Is Riley a good guy?"

"I've told you he is, Mom." I stole two fries with the sauce.

"I ask you, is Riley a good guy?" She noted some parts of that sentence meaningfully.

Wonderful. I know where this talk might take me. My parents always teased me about not having any boyfriend. I'm 18 and too introvert, you may say. It's hard for me to say hello and build up a real friendship with guys. I hate being teased. Because I know my cheeks are too sensitive. They blush a lot. Moreover, I hate it when all I did was just making friends, then people started questioning this and that.

Thankfully I've never blushed anymore. Until today.

"Yeah he's a good guy." I slowly nodded. "Oh can't we just eat? I'm dying!"

"Really?" Mom put her own plate on the table.

"It's normal, Albany. It's just normal." Dad smiled. "Judging from his performance last night, I give you permission."

"Crazy judgement." I sighed. "And permission for what?"

"Anything, anywhere he takes you." Mom smiled for a serious reason

I sighed. Again and again. This is where my anxiety always takes me. When my insecurity always gets me. With those kisses last night, I couldn't tell you, if he really wanted to kiss me or just a normal goodbye kisses.

Because I've learned, goodbye kisses are the worst.

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