Chapter 3: Timeless

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It's been 2 days since SungJae was admitted out of the hospital. After doing his scans he got the all clear.

"Son, has Joy been around lately?" Asks his mother as they arrive home.

SungJae hasn't told anyone about what Joy having Alzheimer's. He couldn't comprehend it well himself. He looks at his mother and shakes his head as he walks to his room.

He enters his room closing the door behind him as he leans his back on the door and closes his eyes.

"Joy. How am I suppose to live like this" He grabs out his phone and sends Joy a message

SungJae: Call me when you get this. We need to talk xx

He waits for a reply but theres no response. His heart is in pain for her. Unable to do anything but be next to her. That was all he could do. He lies down and contemplates about life. He falls asleep in the midst with a tear.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----

"SungJae!! Come here now. It's an emergency!" Yells his father. SungJae jumps up and runs out to the living room to see police men standing by the door.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Asks SungJae as he bows to the police men.

"Yook SungJae?" Asks one of the men.

"Yes sir. That's me"

"Mister. We need to take you in for questioning" Says the man.

SungJae widens his eyes and faces at his parents then back at the men.

"I- I- Why?" He asks stuttering.

"Mister. Your name and address were found on the phone of a victim for our current case" Says the police man. SungJae looks at his parents confused as they also look confused.

"Sorry? What do you mean" Asks SungJae in confusion.

"We got a report of a missing girl who left her home in the morning 2 days and didn't returned. Yesterday morning a passerby found her phone that was said to be on the side of the road and not far from the road her body was found by the riverbank. On her phone you were the only contact. Miss Joy was declared dead the day before" Explains the police man.

Upon hearing him say Joy, SungJae felt as if the whole world had stopped. He imagined the worst and it happened. He falls to his knees as he cries tears of regret.

"Joy! I should've been with you. I'm sorry" He cries out pitifully as the room fades and turns to black.

'SungJae' Echoes a voice in the darkness. 'SungJae' It says once again slowly becoming louder. The darkness shakes him from side to side with the echoes still going on.

"Joy?" He says out loudly in the darkness.

SungJae! SungJae! Yells a voice. His eyes shoot open with the lights above his head flash bright.

"M-m-mom?" Stutters SungJae rubbing his eyes.
It was a dream? He wonders.

"Are you ok? I came to bring your bag and you were sweating buckets and crying out for Joy" Says his mother with a worried look on her face.

"Bad dream Mom. I'm fine. Thanks" He says as he kisses his mother upon the cheek and she stands up to walk out. She stops as she was about to close the door.

"I called Joys mother and she said that Joy wanted to come over, so she'll be here soon" Says his mother as she blows SungJae a kiss and closes the door.

After 10 minutes the door bell rings and SungJae runs out and looks outside and it's Joy. He runs to the kitchen where his mother is.

"Mom, I'm taking Joy out" He says as he gives her a peck on the cheek and opens the door.

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