· Chapter 5 ·

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When we were at the field, we sat down in a small circle. “I already told you what to do.” Said Natalie with an annoyed voice. “Just make as if you don’t know everyone knows.”

“But that’s not going to work.” I told her. “I’m sure Ashley will torture me until I tell her that I’m going with him.” I paused to take a breath. “And when I tell her then she’s going to kill me.”

“You’re such a drama queen.” Josh rolled his eyes. “Just do what Natalie says.”

“But what if that doesn’t work?” I asked desperate.

“Well, in that case,” Josh rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “you should run away from Ashley and go look for Justin.” He finished song-singly.

I arched a brow. Is he serious? “What?”

“Yes!” Natalie shrieked. “That will work!” She went on. “She won’t be able to bother you during class, so when the class finishes if she says anything to you, you just run and look for Justin!”

“Are you both talking seriously?” I couldn’t believe what they were saying. “That’s the lamest plan I have ever heard.”

“Oh, come on.” Josh pocked me in the arm. “Don’t be such a child.” He kidded. “Just try it ok?”

I let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine, fine.” I shook my head in defeat. “I’ll try.” I rolled my eyes. “But if that doesn’t work, then you will have to help me to think of a better plan, okay?”

“Okay.” They happily sang in unison.

At that moment the bell rang telling that the lunchtime had ended. The three of us stood up and began walking towards the building. All the way towards it I kept praying that their plan would work.


I arrived to the Math class and sat in my usual seat next to the window. I placed my things on top of the desk and plugged my earphones in my ears. I pressed shuffle and “The Town’s Been Talking” from The Maine began blasting in my ears. Ha ha ha. This is so funny. The song kept playing until someone tapped, it was more like hit, my shoulder. No, please don’t let it be her.

I turned and saw Ashley’s angry face glaring at me. I unplugged one of my earphones out and waited for her to begin.

“What do you want?” I asked, as she didn’t speak a single word.

She took a deep breath to begin her speech, but before she could start the teacher entered the classroom saving me from the annoying doll.

“Please take your seats.” He announced his arrival. “Today we’ll see geometry.” A communal groan sounded all over the classroom, mine included. Phew. At least I can just ignore Ashley for the rest of the class.

All of the class went by quickly, and when it finished I gathered my things and walked towards the door as fast as I could, but a voice stopped me in my tracks.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Ashley’s squeal said. “I just wanna ask you something.” She walked to where I was. “Who do you think you are?”

She actually had curiosity in her eyes. Oh my God. “Excuse me?” Was the only thing that my voice could say.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She made that annoying sound with her tongue. “Rae, Rae, Rae.” Jesus. Please make her stop. “Do you think I’m an idiot?”

A contained laugh escaped my lips without me noticing. It was just too uncontrollable for me to handle.

Her eyes opened as big as plates and her mouth dropped a bit. “Excuse me?” She asked with a tone of indignation.

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