· Chapter 9 ·

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I stared nervously at Natalie as she waited for me to answer. “Well?” She asked exasperated.

“Well what?” Josh’s voice crept from behind me, accompanied by the ringing of the bell. I jumped startled and turned around. “Damn girl!” He eyed me from head to toe, just as Natalie had done earlier. “What happened to you? What happened to your hair?” He arched a brow, slightly touching my messed up hair. “What’s up with those dark circles below your eyes! And is that a birth mark I hadn’t seen before?” He pointed to my forehead.

“Ugh! You talk too fast!” I complained. “And no it’s not a stupid birth mark!” I rolled my eyes. “I just bumped my head with the wall this morning.” I mumbled looking away embarrassed.

“You...” He burst out in laughter when he understood what I had said. “Oh Rae, you’re the clumsiest person I’ve ever met.”

“I’m not clumsy! I just didn’t sleep good and didn’t see where I was going.” I sent daggers with my eyes at him.

“Well, you were gonna tell me what happened just now.” Natalie reminded me.

“What? What happened?” Josh asked incredulously.

“I’ll tell you while we walk to PE.” She answered him.

Our next clas was PE, and the three of us had it together. That meant I had to tell them why I had hid from Justin.

Ok, now think of something, think of something. Got it! I thought as we entered the gym.

“Why would you do such a stupid thing like that, hun?” Josh asked sweetly.

“Because...” I drifted off. “I didn’t want him to see me like this.” I lied pointing at mysef with both hands.

He snorted. “Well, I surely understand that.” He made a disgusted face and I hit him playfully in the arm. “What!” He rubbed the place where I had hit him. “You need lots of help with that style of yours.”

Natalie laughed at this. “I tried helping a little with her face, but I guess it didn’t work out that well.”

I poked my tongue out at both of them. “Fine, laugh all you want, but when you are suffering grievously I will just laugh at you.” I turned around and flipped my hair dramatically. They just laughed and followed me.

Natalie and I went to the girls locker room while Josh walked to the boy’s one. We were changing into our sport clothes when Ashley came into the locker room.

“Nice make up Rae.” She pointed at my forehead. “The dark circles and the red mark really go with your gay jacket.” Her idiotic followers giggled behind her.

“Really? Thank you.” I put a hand on my chest and mimicked her. “And that shitty personality of yours goes perfectly with your fake boobs and dyed hair.” I smirked at her gawking face and turned around, beginning to undress.

“Ugh!” She squealed and stomped off away from us.

Natalie and I laughed at her outburst before heading out into the gym, but when I went out my laugh faded.

There he was. Talking with Mr. Denton, the PE teacher and soccer team coach. Yeah, we had a soccer team. But ayway, when Natalie and I entered the gym, Justin was there, talking with the coach.

Shit shit shit. What do I do now? I panicked. “Shit!” I cursed.

“What?” Nataie asked bewildered.

“There’s your brother. Again.” I answered. “I can’t let him see me.”

“Ok, go to the locker room and I’ll cover you.” She said. I followed her advice and entered the locker room again. A few minutes later I heard Justin and Natalie talking.

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