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The three teens watch in horror as their 'friend' makes a metamorphosis.

Hayato: This isn't Mikio...Is it?

'Mikio' suddenly grows big before transforming into another Oni but it has Mikio's hair.

Kaori: Oh my God!!!

The students scream as Mikio Oni charges at them!

Just out of curosity the end of regret...

A scream with no where to go...

A new emotion being called...Terror...

The three teens scattered into separate ways.

Hayato ran out the basement while his friends go further into the annex.

Crying and screaming will lead you no mercy!

There are no meaning to the words here!

My survival instincts goes further away...

Hayato sees Mikio Oni coming after him...

Hayato: Strange...How is he's faster than the regular Oni?

Hayato ponders on about this and continues running into the hallways before stopping and turning around to find out Mikio Oni isn't following him...

He goes back into the basement and traveled further into the Annex...

After a while of searching he finds a room with no light.

Hayato uses the lighter and goes towards a candle before lighting it.

???: Aaaaah?!

Hayato: Waaaah?! Oh...It's you Tatsuya...

Tatsuya: Hayato? You're alive...

Hayato: Yes...Where's Kaori?

Tatsuya: I don't know...She ran away somewhere else...

Hayato: Yeah...It's a good thing, you're alright...

Tatsuya: But not for long...That monster is bound to find me...This is all my fault! If only I hadn't suggested coming to this mansion Mikio...M-Mikio...Wouldn't...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Tatsuya ran out of the room...

Hayato: Tatsuya!!!!

Hayato ran after him only to find him vanished from the hallways...

Hayato: Dammit! Now where'd he go?!

Suddenly he heard Tatsuya screamed again.


Hayato looks ahead and notices the Ao Oni...The regular one.

He hid back in the room and saw the Oni carrying something in his hand...

It was Tatsuya...Who was either dead or unconsicous...

Hayato had to horribly watched as his friend was carried away into the darkness of the Annex...

My senses and train of thought of gone...

My voice breaks out...

Far away to the other side...

Ao Oni: Mansion Of HorrorsWhere stories live. Discover now