First Day.

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"Mom I'll be fine." He walked out the door, his first day of work. His hair was trimmed, and combed back like it always was. His black rimmed glasses, on the brigde of his nose. His nose, that was turned red after a few minutes out in the December winter afternoon.

He looked up, the blue sky mimicking his own eyes. The golden rays of the sun, making his hair look like a lighter shade of dirty blond. It'll be okay, he thought as he walked to his new job.

It was his senior year, and he'd be able to help his mother out. She'd finally agreed to let him get a job, although she protested that her baby boy get a job yet.

He hugged himself more, bringing the light, black jacket closer to him. His breaths clear in the air, fogging up his glasses.

Five minutes later, he finally got to his new job. Opening the door, the warmth envolped him, and he gladly embraced it.

"Hello." He waved to the guy standing behind the cashier, who's name tag said 'Bob'. "I'm Jim."

Bob looked up, a bright smile plastered on his face. "You're finally here. Well, my shift is done in ten minutes, but I'll take that time to teach you all you need to know."

As Bob showed him around the place, he felt his nerves begin to ease away. Slowly, he gained confidence that it would work out.

"Just remember, always smile and be polite with the customers. And once in a while, walk to their tables and ask if they're doing alright." Bob walked into the kitchen and into the lockers, Jim following suit. Grabbing his coat and backpack, he started walking out again. "Oh and don't forget, once your shift is over, check out. You know, so that they know when you leave."

"Okay." Jim nodded while playing with the ring on his ring finger. No, he wasn't married, but it he didn't care.

"Bye. Good luck, man." Bob patted him gently on the back before he left. And Jim was left alone at the counter.

The kitchen doors opened, revealing three more workers. One female and two male. He didn't pay much attention to the males, but focussed on the girl. She was naturally beautiful, she had no make up on, making her a thousand times more beautiful. Her blue eyes shining like diamonds in the sun's light. And her dark black hair, making her porcelain skin pop out more.

But he wasn't intrigued by her, because she was beautiful. But instead, because for some reason he felt like he knew her. So he walked right up to her, feeling daring. His heart racing and mind on overdrive, he remembered a distant name: Claire, his childhood best friend.

"Hi, I'm Claire Valentin." She answered before he could. "You're Jimmy Patterson? You probably don't remember me, but we were best friends all of our elementary years, until I moved away."

"You seemed vaguely familiar." He smiled brightly, whilst shaking her hand. Her cheeks turning a bright pink as she looked up at him.

The guys, finally paying attention to him, introduced themselves as well. Joshua and Oscar, those were their names. Joshua was slightly taller than Oscar. Oscar had sickly pale skin with brown orbs that watched everything very intently and had a patient demeanor about himself that made him seem a very calm and collected guy. Something that Jim's sister, Vanessa, would've called attractive. He had ruffled, brown hair that sprouted at different angles, nowhere near neat.

Joshua, unlike the rest of them, was of rich caramel skin with magnificent green eyes, that looked more like hazel from far away. His tallness, added with gentleness and a mysterious aura would've been something that his other sister, Victoria, would've referred to as sexy.

It was no joke that they hired only "beautiful" people. Suddenly, poor Jim felt out of place. But he didn't let that get in the way of him and his first customers.

"Hello. Welcome..." He began to take their orders. He did it with ease, not too much effort needed.

When he had taken the orders of at least four customers, he finally took the chance to look around.

The place wasn't very big, but it wasn't small either. It had boards and decorations everywhere, with Italian writing on them. A few tabels lining up in the middle. And booths towards the sides. Outside, it was cool too. Some chairs and tables, with unturned lights, but who in the right state of mind would sit outside on a day like this?

The bell, above the door rang, bringing back his attention. Through it came a girl, she seemed to glow, with the sun setting right behind her. Her nose and cheeks a rosy pink. Her breathing, heavy. She was small and frail, her hands lightly holding her jacket closer. Her brown hair, held tight under her beanie, the only hair that seemed to roam freely, were her bangs.

Slowly, her face looked up, revealing brown eyes. And as if on cue, Jim felt his heart beat race. His heart beating at a pace he had never imagined.

Who is she and what had she done to me? He thought as he stared back at her.

"Hi." He heard her say, but much to his dismay, stare was all he could do. He couldn't move, he couldn't talk. Jim was frozen in the spot.

Finally, grabbing the small amount of courage that he had, he smiled. A smile fit for a king. For he was the king and she, the queen of his heart.

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