twelve: preference

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what it's like to be best friends
this is a little different, I mean it's best friends rather than relationship stuff..

Josh: The two of you are sarcastic soul mates, insulting each other is your thing; making it look like you both despise one another. Yet at the same time the two of you can both have chill time and talk like best friends do. It's almost like you're siblings, but closer.

Harry: The two of you go on adventures, you can act like two tools in a toolbox (like two peas in a pod), and not give two darn shits about the strangers that judge you as they walk by. You're explorations always lead to the two of you ending up at a fast food joint and you discuss the highlights of day you both shared together over food.

JJ: The two of you play video games together/against each other which always leads to the both of you yelling profusely at the TV. The rest of the sidemen in the house don't even bother to see what is happening, knowing it's just the two of you raging at one another. Afterwards you calm done and share a little giggle.

Vikk: He knows that you love video games as much as he does so he'll invite you to tag along to gaming conventions. When at Insomnia you help at the booth and with all the behind the scenes action and frankly the fans are not bothered by your presence, knowing who you are and what you are to Vikk; his best friend.

Simon: You're seen in the background of some of the football videos. It causes a little suspicious but the two of you keep on a down low waiting for the wave to past. Simon and you are usually the last two to leave the pitch, training and sharing techniques before finally sitting/lying on the pitch, having a deep and meaningful; leaving your souls on the pitch and deepest darkest secrets between one another.

Ethan: You have a perfect long distant friendship. You live in a different country and the Skype on the daily, every two days if things are busy. But when your not Skyping you are messaging. When Ethan said he was on snapchat whist playing COD WAW with the boys, he was snapchatting you. When you end up visiting him in London the reunion is a sight even the boys like to see.

Tobi: You're one of the boys, with a few extra perks. Tobi and you are roommates. Your relationship is strictly platonic. If anything your the girl version of him: you wear street wear, enjoy the same music but not as good at football but you love your sport. The two cruise along on swegways to the supermarket and are the coolest kids on the block. Some of his friends can't help but be a little jealous of him.

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