seven: harry

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For awk0_amelia


After a long day at school Amelia is glad to be home. She's been having trouble there, her friends not what they used to be like. This has been happening for months and frankly she beginning to have enough.

Who knew jealousy could really ruin friendships that were as golden as hers?

Friends since kindergarten, now Amelia can barely handle the newest additions of sly digs aimed at her, by her best friends

She sighs dumps the heavy load that is her school bag onto her bedroom floor. She shuffles along to her bed and falls backwards, the pillows and duvet cushioning her fall. She relaxes, comfort of her own bedroom soothes her; no one could hurt her in this state of mind. Everything is forgotten as her eyes close.

Awoken by her mother calling her, Amelia curses under her breath. She panics, she wasn't meant to fall asleep.

"No no no no" she mutters reaching out to grab her phone and running to her laptop. Amelia logs on and unlocks her phone.

'Where were you?' She reads. She looks to her laptop screen seeing she has missed five Skype calls from two hours ago. She frowns before resting her head on her desk in frustration.

"Fuck sake Amelia" she grumbles to herself, "Why'd you have to fall asleep?"

Her mum calls for her again and she sighs. Lifting herself from her seat and drags herself out of the room and to the dining room, dinner is ready.


It is hard to get up the next morning, her bed is her safe haven and now she has to get up out of it and get ready to head to hell.

Amelia replied to Harry's message, apologising over and over again but received no reply in return. This makes her day even worse; all she wants is for Harry to tell her everything is okay and for him to come home.

She got changed into her uniform and packed her bag before heading out to the kitchen to make breakfast. "Morning Hun" her mother greets her with a warm smile which she returns with a forced one.

"Hi" She replies in monotone, dumping her bag in the corner and walking over to make her breakfast.

She grabs the box of cornflakes out of the pantry. Her mother frowns at her, "What's wrong Lia?" Her mother asks.

Amelia moans and rests her head on the pantry door, a simple nickname reminding her of him; he gave her that nickname.


"Mum, I don't want to talk about it" Amelia replies, lifting herself from the pantry door and walking over to the counter, grabbing a bowl and a spoon.

"You're not getting the milk until you tell me what's wrong" Her mother smirks, holding the carton in her hand.

"Please don't" She begs, whining a little. Her mum raises her eyebrows at her, not having any of it. Amelia sighs, "I just missed my Skype call with Harry last night and I don't want to go to school." She explains vaguely.

"Why don't you want to go to school?" Her mother questions.

"Because what teenager wants to go to school?" Amelia rebuts, with her smart-ass attitude.

Her mother sighs and passes her the carton, giving up because Amelia simply isn't going to budge. Amelia thanks her and returns to making her breakfast.

Her brother comes down and chucks toast in the toaster, rushing about, doing too many things at once. His hair is a mess, he spills a bit of juice on the counter and onto his shirt.

"Shit" he cusses and Amelia can't help but chuckle. His head shoots up from his shirt to glare at her, "what are you chuckling at?"

"Oh, nothing" She shakes her head vigorously. Her brother just smiles.

"Today is the day Amelia" he announces.

"The day for what?" She scrunches up her face.

"The day, I get an A plus and Sophia will fall head over heels in love with me" He says dramatically.

"You're a tool"

"And we're running late."Amelia's eyes widen and her brother laughs, "I'm kidding!" He clutches his stomach, "but your face was priceless."

"Did I tell you that you're a tool?"

"Hey! You're dating a tool too." He shouts and She frowns. Not at the name-calling, because he always does this, the two are best friend. "Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" Her brother notices the change in mood.

"I just miss him" Amelia sighs dropping her spoon into her bowl; her appetite lost.

"I don't know what it's like having such a long distance relationship like you and Harry have but you're strong and you can make through it, I'm sure he misses you just as much as you miss him, you're not the only one struggling" He reassures her.

"Thank you" She mumbles and her brother pulls her in for a hug.


Lunch time hits, that's Amelia's least favourite time of the school day. She grabs her lunch and sits with her "friends".

"So Amelia, how's Harry?"

"Uhh, good." She replies with a simple lie. She doesn't have a clue, he could be good or bad.

"When is he coming back to Guernsey? Anytime soon?"

"I'm not sure, it's really depends on his career" She mumbles.

"Are you two okay? You two not having trouble are you?"

Amelia looks to her friend, almost glaring. She could right through the fake sympathetic smile. "We are fine? What's it to you" Her jaw clenches.

"Ooh, something wrong" she smirks.

Amelia eyes become watery, "it's none of your business."

Before her friend could speak further, Amelia stands and leaves. She wants to run away from it all, hide in a little hole and just sleep, not die, sleep.

If anyone notice her sudden departure it is her brother. And he decides to take matters into his own hands.


Amelia sits at her desk, scrolling through Tumblr while waiting for the Skype call she missed the day before.

She is anxious, checking to see if he's online every few minutes. He is meant to be online at this time. Why isn't he?

After about an hour of constantly checking and scrolling aimlessly through social media sites Amelia gives up on all hope of her boyfriend saying hello.

She pushes herself away from her desk and swivels her chair around, getting up and walking to her bed, dumping herself onto it.

"Hey, where is she? I came as soon as I could" Amelia hears from outside her room. Her eyes widening, "Okay, thank you."

Amelia stares at the door, it opening to show Harry. "Lia" His eyes filled with concern.

Amelia jumps off her bed and runs at him, Harry grabs ahold of her. The feeling of each other together something they both dearly missed.

"I've missed you" Amelia mumbles.

"I love you" Harry replies, kissing her temple, "so much, never forget that."

A/N: Sorry for the extremely long wait Amelia. I've had a lot going on. I hope you enjoyed this one shot; I don't mind it myself. Thanks for the request!!

If anyone else would like a one shot, just shoot us a message but please be patient; especially this week considering the end of the semester is coming up.

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