7- Truths Out!

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(Carter POV)
I wake deciding to go check on Kylee since I know she had a bad day yesterday. I walk to her room and begin knocking on the door and when she didn't answer I decided just to let myself in. Her bed was made and she was nowhere in sight. I kinda start to worry hoping she didn't go somewhere and not make it back home. I go to Drew's room and push his door open hoping maybe he would know where Kylee was. As soon as the door opened I spot Drew and Kylee both in his bed. "What the heck is going on in here," I scream causing Drew to jump out of bed and begin pushing me back out the door. "Shut up screaming your going to wake Kylee," he tells as he closes the door behind us once we make it into the hall. "Don't tell me to shut up I want an explanation as to what the heck she is doing in you bed instead of hers," I say angrily as I push my finger into his chest repeatedly. "I don't have to explain nothing to you," he says to me before turning his back to me. Before he could go into his room I spin him around a punch him in his jaw. Drew then rammed me knocking me into the floor and begin punching me in my face repeatedly.

I'm not sure how long we had been fighting before we heard Kylee screaming, "stop it, stop fighting!"
We both stopped to stare at her from a moment before picking ourselves off the floor. "Why were you fighting," she asked angrily as she looked to Drew for answers. "I don't know he hit me first, I guess he wasn't happy that you sleep in the room with me," he says shrugging his shoulders. "Well was it," she asked me with her hands on her hips. "No, it's because I know you two done more than just sleep, and I mad that he would take advantage of you," I say angrily to her. "One we did not do anything last night besides sleep, and two it would be non of you business if we had," she says to me setting the record straight. "Then why where you in his room?" I ask her still mad. "I drank a little to much last night and was to drunk to make it to my own room," she says shrugging her shoulders. "Kylee you shouldn't have been drinking at all, and Drew your dumb self should have never have taken her to the party in the first place," I say to them angrily. "She is a big girl, she can make her own decisions," he argues back. "She is sick you idiot, and she is trying to pretend that she isn't," I say to Drew before realizing what I had said. "She doesn't look sick," Drew says to me. "Well she is she has cancer," I blurt out just wanting to prove my point. "What, Kylee is this true," I ask looking at her with concern. "Carter how could you, you promised!" She said before turning and running to her room and slamming the door. I walk to Kylee's room and begin knocking on the door, "Kylee please talk to me, I'm sorry I told Drew!" "Carter just go away," she screams through the door. I go to my room and throw myself on my bed and begin thinking of ways I could get her to forgive me.

I must have fallen asleep because I was soon woke up by my mom shaking me. "Have you seen Kylee, she isn't in her room and your car is missing," she ask sounding concerned. "No I don't knew where she is, but mom she is very mad at me because I told something I promised her I would tell," I sat honestly. "What was is Carter," she ask in a demanding tone. "Mom, Kylee has cancer," I spit out sadly. "What that's not possible everything was fine with her a couple weeks ago," she says as she begins pacing my room. "Dr. Brown told her she had Cancer when we went to the appointment yesterday, mom he said they caught it early is she would start treatment right away that it a good chance of getting it into remission," I tell her hopping that she will convince her to start treatments.

My mom pulls her phone out and begins trying to call Kylee but her phone had been turned off, which means she wasn't wanting to be found. "Carter so you happen to know were she could have went," she asked me. "Maybe she went to see Tyler, have you called up to the hospital to see if she is there," I ask her knowing that one of the places she would go to get away form everything. Mom called up the hospital and I could here her talking to them. "Is there a Kylee Morgan there she would be there seeing her brother Tyler," I here her ask someone over the phone. After a few minutes pause I here her speak again, "oh thank you so much, please don't tell her but we are on our way," She tells the person before hanging up. "Ok Carter she is there I think you should stay here incase she comes back before I make it to the hospital," she says before heading to her car. "Did mom find her," Drew ask as he leans on my door. "Yeah is is at the hospital with her brother," I say to watching as relief washes over his face. "Hey I'm sorry for going off on you earlier, I just had a lot going on in my mind when I found out Kylee got drunk and I know you didn't know that she had cancer or I know you would have never let her do it," I say apologizing to him. "It's ok I would have probably down the same thing if the tables were turned," she shrugged before leaving me room.

Authors note:
I know the chapters int this book are not very long but I promise to try to write them longer as I go.

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