Chapter Thirteen (part two)

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I was in my room writing my essay for English listening to music to tune out the sound of Andrew's howling. There was a knock at the door and my mom stepped in before sitting down on the end of my bed.

"Are we going to have a heartfelt conversation about how I should be at the dance like they do in the movies?" I joked.

"No honey actually I wanted to talk to you about something." She said.

"Oh..." I closed my laptop and gave her my full attention. "Sounds serious." I said.

"It's not easy to say, but... do you remember when we used to live in New Haven?"

"We lived in Connecticut?"

She nodded and opened her mouth to say more, but was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking. Both of us ran down to the basement and saw that a couple of the cage bars were bent and the small window was shattered. He was gone.

"Where do you think he went?" I asked curiously.

"I...I don't know! I need to find your father it's his fault for not showing up." She said pulling out her phone and dialing dad's number.

"I'm going to go out and try to find him. Maybe get him somewhere safe before anyone notices." I said running out of the house.

I heard a faint howl in the distance so I started to follow the sound hoping it was Andrew and not an actual wolf. That's when I saw him having a face down with an alley cat.

"Andrew don't you dare!" I yelled, startling him.

He turned his head and his face flashed a sense of recognition but it vanished and he was a was off again. He then ran past me in the direction of where the school was.

"Seriously? Out of all the places." I mumbled to myself before sprinting after him.

I saw the colored lights in the gym as he snuck into the school building. Warn the others or get Andrew? I thought to myself. I hightailed it to the gym where everyone was dancing and having a good time. I spotted my friends dancing with a couple of guys and the eagle mascot dancing with a bunch of girls. I did a quick scan of the room. I was trying to think of the best way to get everyone out when I saw the fire alarm. I raced over and pulled it, the sprinklers coming on and an alarm going off. I hid in the crowd as the teachers and other adult chaperones started ushering students out.

That's when I made my way inside the school building where the halls were empty and dark. I stood there listening the only sounds being the water dripping from my hair and clothes. That's when I heard a rattling noise from the science classroom. I walked over as quietly as possible and saw the hairy beast feasting on pig hearts. So much for tomorrow's science project. I walked in holding both hands up and called out to him calmly. He whipped his head around and growled. I heard the faint sound of sirens and I knew it would only be minutes before they were inside the building.

"Andrew I know you're in there and I know you can hear me. We don't have to go back to the cage, but you can't be here." I said walking towards him.

We stood there staring at each other. His yellow eyes studying me. Fighting his instinct to kill. He let me walk up closer so I was able to pet him and he sniff me

"See I'm not going to hurt you. Now let's get you out of here." I said just as a throwing knife whizzed right past me barely leaving a scratch.

I turned around and saw the familiar redhead with and belt of knives. Andrew growled as she picked up and other and got ready to throw. I felt my skin burn a little where the knife cut me and I hissed holding it.

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