33: Lucie

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It had been about a week since we had all found out that Matthew fancied men. He had told us all very nervously, with James standing at his side supporting him. We all had been very shocked, especially Aunt Charlotte, Uncle Henry, and Charles. None of us objected though, we had told him that it did not bother us. Right after, Matthew had gone back to his normal self.

Cordelia and Harry were getting married in two days, and she had been very busy this past week with all the preparations. She had been finalizing the decorations, and making sure her wedding dress fit. I had been with Jesse mostly due to this, but currently Cordelia and I were sitting in the living room.

"You must be excited." I said, referring to her wedding.

She smiles happily. "I am. Though, I am quite nervous as well."

"Are you going to move out of the Institute?" I asked.

"Not right away, but eventually yes." Cordelia replied.

A pang went through me. I would miss having her here everyday. But we were Parabatai, distance couldn't sever us. I thought of father and Uncle Jem, and how their bond was severed, but yet they still seemed as tied to one another as ever. Maybe that was what being Parabatai was, a bond that never truly ended. Even if the rune faded.

"I wish you did not have to, but that would be unfair of me to hold you back." I said.

Cordelia looked at me sadly. "We're never really apart, Luce, were apart of each other. Besides, I think you'll be moving out in a bit, as well."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

She smirked at me. "Jesse, he loves you. And you love him."

I looked away from her, and she laughed. Just then someone walked into the room. James stood, leaning against one of the walls. His golden eyes were regarding Cordelia with a cool expression. She was looking back at him, her cheeks going red.

"Jamie." I said, causing them to break there gazes at each other.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come for a walk with me." He asked.

"Alright. "I agreed.

"Would you like to come along as well, Daisy" James asked Cordelia.

She went as red as a tomato, as he called her by her nickname. By the angel she is so in love with him, I thought.

"I'm afraid I can't, I have to look over a few more things before the wedding. Have a fun time, though, you two." Cordelia flashed us both a smile and left.

I watched as James's eyes followed her as she left the room. I could tell that he wanted to go after her. I cleared my throat.

"Shall we go?" I said.

He snapped out of his trance and nodded. We walked towards the doors, and started down the front steps of the Institute. We were silent for a bit of the walk.

"The wedding is close." I said, breaking the silence.

I felt him tense beside me, and I regretted bringing it up.

"I cannot bear to think about it." He murmured.

I sighed. "Still in love with her, are you?"

He sighed as well. "How could I stop?"

Before I could say anything, I noticed something in an alleyway. James and I were walking down a more remote street of London, were not many people were.

"James, what's that in the alley?" I asked him.

He furrowed his eyebrows, and we walked closer to it. As we neared it, I realized that there were two people, and they appeared to be kissing quite fiercely. When I was which two they were, my eyeballs almost popped out of there sockets. Grace Blackthorn and Christopher Lightwood stood in the alleyway kissing each other.

"Christopher?" James said, very shocked.

At that, Grace and Christopher sprang apart. Grace looked very humiliated, which was surprising, since she she always thought she was above everyone else. Her cheeks had very red, and she looked at the ground. Christopher, for once, was not in a dreamy state and he looked embarrassed. His lavender eyes were looking at James.

"What-How?" James stuttered, shocked."

"Are you two-dating?" I asked disbelievingly.

Hesitantly, Christopher nodded his head and James and I gasped.

"You must not tell anyone." Grace said at once.

"Why not?" James questioned.

"My mother would kill me." She admitted, letting her eyes fall to the ground once more.

"Do Aunt Cecily and Uncle Gabriel know?" I asked Christopher.

"No, neither does Anna." He replied, embarrassedly.

"How did this even happen?" James asked, bewildered.

"Well, Christopher and I had been getting feelings for each other for awhile. We had run into each other about a month ago at Hyde Park, and we decided to keep meeting each other." Grace explained, slightly embarrassed.

"I see." Was all that James said.

There was then a horrible silence.

"We'll be on our way then." I said awkwardly.

James and I hurried away, and I fought the urge to laugh.

"Dear god, what was that?" I said, once they could not hear us.

"I don't even know." James said. "She has found love, unlike me."

My heart broke a bit for him. I looked up at him. I had crane neck to look up at him, James was much taller than me.

"I think you should tell Cordelia." I blurted out.

"Tell her what?" He asked, turning his golden eyes on me.

"That you love her."

He looked away from me. "There would be no use, she's going to be married."

"I know that, but I think it would make you feel much better. I know you James, and I know that if you do not tell her, you will spend the rest of your life thinking "What if she did love me?" I said.

"And she?" James said. "Love me?"

I bit my lip. She did, but I couldn't tell him that. I would leave to Cordelia, she could decide whether she wanted him to know.

"I know that used to, though I am not sure of her feelings now. That does not matter though, James, just tell her." I encouraged.

James's eyes were focused on something in the distance. He took a deep breath and said:

"I will tomorrow."

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