I don't think so

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Betty's POV

I remembered the photo I saw on Hannah's facebook. I got mad like never. Well, of course I was glad Hannah's happy, but deep inside, I wished it was me Hannah was with. I was a commited bisexual, Hannah had no idea, though. I took a deep breath and walked straight around Hannah's house. And what didn't happen? 

There was Hannah's partner. 

"Oh no, please, not now" I thought, I hate him like no one else, yet I smiled and shouted "Hello!" at him. 

He turned around, smiled and said "Hey. Long time no see. How you're doing?". 

I couldn't believe it, this biggest jerk wanted to talk to me although he probably knows about how I'm crushing on Hannah. I mean, I don't even try to hide my deep looks at her.

"Not really bad, this holiday is fun and I enjoy it. How about you?" I asked even though I actually had no interest in continuing this conversation. 

My eyes were on him, but I hadn't been listening to what he'd been saying. I just did the thing I do when I see him. I look at him and imagine his hand on her. How he is able to touch her and I'm not. I got back into reality when I heard a different voice. And it wasn't just a voice, it was Hannah.

"Who are you talking to?" I heard from the back

"Come and see, a surprise." said Richard, Hannah's man.

And there was she. Walked out of the garage, just in the top of her swimsuit and a shorts. Damn, she looked stunning, I had to admit it.

Hannah's POV

I walked out, since Rich told me, that there's someone surprising.

And hell yeah, it really was. My former student Bethany, I haven't seen her in a while, she changed a lot. I could notice that she's lost some weight and did something with her hair. 

I couldn't resist it, I smiled as usually, it was something I had to do in her presence.

"Hi, Beth, how are you?" I asked her with a wide smile on my face.

I could see from her face that she was confused. I had no idea why, though.

"Hello. Oh, I'm good. And you?" she replied. Now it was me who was confused, she usually talked a lot more when we were together.

"Also good. I hope your holiday is going well. Mine is pretty busy."

"I see" she said sarcastically. 

Did she mean me sunbathing in my free time? I looked at her. Was she just checking me out? She did it often, maybe she thought I hadn't seen her doing it, she tried to hide it, but I can always see it. Kinda pleasing, I have to say. Not in that way, it's just nice. I am just afraid Rich might see it. He's really jealous about this.

"You wanna come in for a talk and a coffee as we used to?" I asked. So much time since we last talked, there have to be a lot of new things to talk about.

"I don't think so." she said, and I gave her a confused look, because I had no idea what was she talking about.

"We have a campfire over there, me and my friends. I gotta go." she explained.

"Okay then. It was really nice to meet you again. See ya." I gave her the hugest smile I could.

"Yeah, sure. Goodbye." she said in a weird tone. 

I don't know what's wrong. Today she seemed really weird, but looked pretty and acted way more mature than before.

"Told you she's weird." said Rich out of sudden. 

I just wanted to slap him in the face for it. He's not gonna call her weird, even though she acted like that today. If he knew her, he'd know she's such a nice girl. I think he's only jealous. But why? It was only my former student, there has never been anything between us. Why would it be? I'm absolutely straight.

I just shrugged my shoulders and went back inside, thinking about Beth and remembering all the things we used to do together.

Betty's POV

I did it. I walked away from the love of my life. What am I doing? I tried to push away the smile that wanted to be on my face, because I was happy to see her. Oh, how I missed her. But I couldn't believe it. Did she invite me in? What did she think? After a MONTHS of not texting me and not talking to me, she pretends like everything's fine and we can talk for a while and then she can cut me away again? Hell not, not this time.

I got to the fireplace, my friends were already there. They saw my weird look and couldn't help but questioned me a lot. After a few annoying questions I told them I met Hannah.

"You still aren't over her, are you?" asked Tracy, the friend, who knew almost everything about my love for Hannah.

I didn't feel like answering, so I just shook my head and sat down.

The only thing I felt was sadness and emptiness. It hit me after a long time. It was supposed to be a camp fire, but a friend of mine brought a vodka, so I drank almost a half of the bottle. I thought I'd stop thinking about Hann, but it didn't help.

All of my friends had a lot of fun, but not me. I was the one usually having the biggest fun, but I guess I had too many thoughts to be thought about Hann.

I came home after midnight, not drunk, yet not sober, laid into my bed and checked my facebook. I thought Hannah would at least text me. No new message from her. I was pretty dissapointed and cried myself to sleep.

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