Moleman's Epic Rap Battles Special: Panty & Stocking Vs. Powerpuff Girls Remake

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• The Powerpuff Girls: •

Buttercup: The city of Townsville ain't big enough to fit the both of us!

Blossom: Head right back to your hellhole turf and find some shitty ghost to bust.

But: These pint-sized kaiju-killers pack a pulverizing punch!

Bubbles: We've got the skill to put you fallen rejects' namesakes in a bunch!


There's no way I can sugar-coat your fast-impending verbal smacking;

When our rhymes release, they'll pull you under like a Craig McKraken!

Plus, that undie gun you're packing doesn't frighten me one tittle;

In contrast to Mayor's snack troubles, you're sincerely in a pickle.


When this Buttercup builds up her spicy flow, she won't let down;

Sure as love makes the world go 'round, there'll be no mercy for you clowns!

My mouth is like a can of Whoopass while I spit these mad tongue-twisters

At this Gangreen Gang-banged skank and her prediabetic sister!


Everything nice may be on our list of primary ingredients,

But think twice if you'd try to freedom-beef with us, you deviants!

What's with your Daten dialect? I scarcely can distinguish;

Your gratuitous linguistics are confusing as Mo' Linguish!

Blo: Calling you rank harlots "angels" is an insult to the Bible.

Bub: You make Bartleby and Loki look like Gabriel and Michael!

PPGs: Powerpuff Girls Rule!

But: You'd best repent.

Bub: We hold the key to victory...

Blo: ...And See Through all our second set of wack Jap' doubles' trickery!

• Panty and Stocking: •

Panty: Yo, turn those buggy Keane eyes' full attention to our corner,

And get shown how shit goes down at Paradise and Hades' border!

Stocking: We outdo your tepid ventures just while sitting in the living room,

So sod off on some comet; that's the only tip I'm giving you!

P&S: Once these Daughters of Anarchy rev up our vocal engines,

We won't need our mother's help to stomp you freaks out with a vengeance!

S: We're the best!

P: The baddest angels ever dreamt up by Gainax!

S: Call us the Beat-Alls!

Moleman's Epic Rap Battles SPECIAL: Panty and Stocking Vs. The Powerpuff Girls REMAKEWhere stories live. Discover now