Breakfast btw this isnt apart of the main story

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Peter/// Peter woke up to the smell of burnt pancakes and humming from his kitchen. laughing to myself Peter rubbed his face. "I hate anything burnt you know?" Peter said laughing as Deadpool brought them in with his apron on. "I am the best chef that ever lived!! I've never burnt a pancake!" Deadpool said. He looked down to see three pancakes perfectly baked. "Hahahaha I wouldn't mind having a professional pancake chief here"Peter though glancing into the kitchen. " As long as you don't burn down my kitchen to do it."

Deadpool glanced back rubbing his head. "XD sorry about that sir, I had some minor problems with flames that wouldn't stop burning things. don't worry though because I had my trusty fire extinguisher handy" wade said; flipping a fire extinguisher into the air and catching it with a smile. I chuckled and stared on my food. It was delicious!! " how did you make this?!" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Well let's just say the secret ingredient is kind of magic." He said.
He gave him a skeptical look. "What did you just give me mr. Magic?"
"All my love"~~ he said making an impossible kissing face through his mask. "Aannnnndddd maybe a little fire extinguisher cream on top ;) ". Spidey laughed and stared eating.

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