Time Wont Let Me Go

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Time Wont Let Me Go - Chapter 5

Natalie's P.O.V

I woke up this morning to someone calling my name, I was expecting it to be Liam, then I remembered yesterdays events. Unluckily for me it was my mom who was calling me which meant I was either in trouble or she wanted me to do something for her. I got up realising I was still fully dressed after falling to sleep in my clothes last night. My body was aching all over, a shower would be good right about now, I wasn't stupid though I knew I had to go see what my mom wanted first.

At first I was nervous about going downstairs but then I decided I couldn't feel much worse than I did right now.

"Natalie! I've called you three times now you lazy bitch. Get your ass here now I have something I need to tell you." What the heck could be that damn important, I practically ran down the stairs. I turned the corner to see my mom with some dude who looked like bad news.

"Finally, right Natalie seems as its your fault I cant pay Max here, you're going to pay my debt for me. Before you say I know you haven't got any money, but I'm sure you and Max can come to some sort of arrangement, right? Great thanks Hun, I've got to get to work now, but remember no acting like a freak and make sure you talk I don't want Max thinking I have a retard for a daughter" She gave me a hug on her way to the door. Typical she was basically leaving me with a drug addict telling he can do what ever he wants with me to pay off her debt and she acts all nice while doing it!

"So, Its Natalie right? Nice name sweetie" he shot a suggestive wink at me which totally creeped me out I mean he looked about 20 so it was still quite an age difference im only 16 for Gods sake! I rolled my eyes and headed towards the stairs I still has school to get ready for the morons.

As I was half way up the stairs I felt something wrap round my ankle, I turned around to see what it was before I had the chance I was falling down the stairs or should I say I was dragged down the stairs. All the pain came shooting back to me as my ribs were being whacked off each step, and to think the pain was starting to get better. Apart from my ribs it didn't really bother me, I mean come on my mother was more vicious than this dude. He grabbed my hair roughly I winced as it made my scalp burn, he pushed me up the wall with enough force to make me slide down it until he pulled me back up. He used his right hand to pin both of my arms above my head, he leaned foward and started to inhale my scent. This guy was seriously creeping me out now, I struggled trying to get myself from his grip but he just backhanded me across the face, my cheek felt as if it was on fire.

"Stay still you little bitch! Just relax and you'll be fine" His tone went from harsh to soft, it didnt leave me feeling any better though. I just let the tears fun down my face freely, knowing that in some weird twisted way it was all probably my fault. Everything happens for a reason right?

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