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His desperate cry awoke you from your dreamless slumber.

You weren't quite sure why; perhaps it was the fear laced within his tone, or the bloodcurdling scream that accompanied his cry afterwards... But it truly caused your heart to ache.

You immediately shot up from your sleeping bag and turned to your right. It took a few seconds, but your eyes managed to adjust to the darkness. Placed directly against your sleeping bag was that of Link's, your travelling companion.

He was thrashing widely around; his feet kicking and his hands desperately grabbing at the air.


He was having a nightmare- one that you knew all too well. He was dreaming of that fateful day when the hands of destiny moved into place and his entire life was flipped upside down. You recalled the memory so clearly; so vividly - almost like it had just taken place yesterday.

It was around supper time, and Link had just finished shepherding for Fado. You were accompanying him back through Ordon when Mayor Bo, Ilia's father, stopped for a nice chat. It was nothing harmless, the Mayor wishing Link luck before he set out to Hyrule Castle Town. Ilia arrived then and upon noticing an injury on Epona's leg, rushed off to the spring to bathe her. You and Link quickly followed suit, though it was probably a bad idea on your part.

They were so close, you had noticed. They were a little too comfortable around each other for friends.

And that's when you realized it.

The way he carried himself around her, the way he behaved around her, and the way he treated her... He adored her.

It was the polar opposite of the way he behaved around you. With you he was careless. You thought he was a little too comfortable around you. The way he acted within your presence was similar to how he'd act around the village men.

Sometimes he would forget you were a girl. Did he even see you as a woman?

He did treat you as his equal. 

But he didn't look at you the same way he looked at her.

Not long after, a group of monsters stormed into the area. You remembered hearing Ilia scream, followed by Link's cautious shouting. The monsters rushed forward. And even though you were closer in proximity to Link, he dove to protect Ilia.

When you both awoke, Ilia was gone. You might've been unconscious, but you knew exactly what terrible event had taken place: she had been kidnapped by the forces of evil.

After Link regained consciousness, he had mistaken you for Ilia. When he realized you weren't his childhood friend, he sprang upwards and made a mad dash towards the forest. You've never seen anyone move with such speed and ambition. He didn't even spare a second to think of his own wellbeing, or yours for that matter.

That day marked the beginning of Link's fight against the Twili. 

For you, that day would scar you for another lifetime.

Since departing from Ordon Village, Link had been plagued by the same nightmare night after night. Initially you figured it was a manifestation of his guilt for being unable to protect Ilia. But the closer you grew to the Hero, the more you understood. And the more you understood, the more your heart broke.

Ilia wasn't just his childhood friend. She was his first love, and most likely his only love.


Unable to watch him suffer any longer, you sprung to his side. You grabbed a hold of his shoulders and pushed him as hard as you could onto his back.

"Link!" You called out loudly, not caring if just drew out the attention of some nearby monsters. "Link! Come on, wake up!"

The hero's blue eyes suddenly snapped open; the action causing you to jump slightly in surprise. You quickly removed your hands from his shoulders and sat back against the soft grass.

The look of despair that was etched across his face drove you internally mad. He was usually such a bright and cheerful individual. Despite everything you two had been through, Link had always kept a positive attitude. He was your source of power; he was the reason why you were able to overcome all the challenges.

But he was also the reason why you were hurting.

It didn't matter though because you will always stick by his side. You were going to be there when he was finally reunited with Ilia; when he got married to her; and when he'd have his first child.

You were going to live through all of it, no matter how much it killed you.

Because even though he didn't return your feelings, you'd always love him.

"Shh, it was just a dream." You cooed softly, trying to keep your emotions in check. "Ilia is fine, remember? She's safe at Kakoriko Village with Colin and the other children."

"Yeah..." Link mumbled, still half asleep. "You're right. She's safe..."

You gave a self-depreciating smile, though you doubt he could see it. Keeping your voice cheerful, you said, "so don't worry! We'll be together with her soon!"

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]." Link softly apologized, his tone a little groggy. "You must be exhausted. You should rest."

"Yes... Of course."

You didn't sleep until you were sure Link had drifted back into his slumber.

You were born for him. The Gods had created you for him.

Your sole purpose in life was to love him until death. But then you'd just be reincarnated once more, all your memories from your previous life intact. Although you were born with a different appearance and under a different name, you were still you.

With Link, however, he'd forget.

In each life the two of you would meet, traverse the forsaken land of Hyrule, vanquish evil, and restore peace. 

But you were always too late. By the time you'd find him, he had already fallen for someone else.

He didn't choose you in the previous life, nor the one before that. First it was the Goddess Hylia; then her reincarnation; a stable girl; a princess-turned-pirate; and then the Princess of Hyrule. And in this life it was his childhood friend, Ilia.

When will it finally be you?

He was your soulmate, as decreed by the Gods.

But alas, you weren't his.

This was a secret you would keep to yourself to the grave, over and over again until time ceased to exist. You'd never tell; never speak to a single soul of your destiny, which you'd never fulfill.

Again and again you would be forced to watch as your one true love fell for another. Over and over again until the universe, as we know it, came to an end.

It was truly... So bittersweet.


Bittersweet [Link x Reader one-sided Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now