Chapter 2: Nerds In Sight

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"Davis! Davis Anne Nine it's 10:00am, why aren't you awake?! The train leaves in exactly one hour!" My mother screamed from the living room below.

I rolled over and blearily eyed the digital clock across the room: 9:45am.

My half-awake-delirious state was interrupted by a pounding on my door followed by another shout from my mum. Getting out of my bed, I grabbed a blue flannel, a pair of jeans, and headed to the shower to appease my mother. Every year on September 1st since the day that I had received my letter from Hogwarts, she would be up at 6:30am sharp. She would be constantly bustling around the house making breakfast and double-triple-quadruple checking everything. She was even more nervous and busier than last year because my younger brother, Jonathan, also received a letter. This would be his first year and my mother wanted to make sure everything was perfect.

Ten minutes later, I had successfully washed up and made my bed. Grabbing my yellow trunk, I hobbled down to the kitchen where the intoxicating scent of waffles was floating around.

"Good morning, darling," my dad said as I set my trunk by the door and took the seat next to his. My father was a short man with a thick patch of greying hair that stuck out in about every which way. He had on his pair of wire rimmed reading glasses and his nose buried deep in the comic section of the newspaper. My mother was the complete opposite of him. She was tall and slender with pale skin and flowing red hair. It will forever be a mystery to me how my parents ended up together.

My mother instantly shoved a stack of golden waffles under my nose and poured me a tall glass of orange juice. As I was pouring syrup and smiling over at my dad, Johnny flew in and hopped onto the chair across from me. He was dressed in a grey sweater and jeans and wore an expression of excitement on his small face.

"What's the train like? Is Hogwarts scary? What if I'm in Slytherin? What's Dumbledore like? Are the teachers mean? Do they give detentions on the first day? How many classes—" Johnny went on and on with the same questions he'd been pestering me about all last night upon my arrival home from my day out with my best friends.

I waited patiently until he ran out of breath and blinked at me with those clear blue eyes of his barely visible over a stack of waffles.

"You won't be in Slytherin, Johnny," I said taking a bite of waffles.

"What if I am and I turn bad?" He asked worriedly. He picked slightly at his stack before eating some.

"Then Mum and Dad will disown—" I started to say.

"Davis Anne, you watch your mouth!" Mom scolded from across the kitchen. "Fred, tell your daughter she's being unreasonable!"

"Good one, Davis," Dad said not looking up from the newspaper.


"What? It was just a little joke," he grumbled turning the page.

"Well, I don't think it's funny," Mom huffed.

I kept eating waffles and winked at Johnny.

"You'll be fine, I promise nothing bad will happen. There were many great wizards that were once in Slytherin. I'm sure you will be as well," I said.

Johnny poked his waffles again, still unconvinced.

"Hey, kids! It's almost time to go!" Mom announced loudly.

"Come on, let's wash up and get our trunks before Mom really starts yelling," I said quickly.

Johnny grinned and ran out of the kitchen.

I lugged the trunks out and my dad helped me load them into the car. Mom rushed Johnny and I into the back seat before fussing about Dad's hair and then we were off.

Because I Love You (D.M)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora