Chapter 10: Demon night

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Later at night, you had a strange feeling about something that you could really think about what it is. Yukio was gone for the night for a late mission and Rin was sleeping next to you, but this time, Raven was sleeping in her room instead of you and Rin's dorm. You couldn't go to sleep, you just felt like something was gonna happen. You gently shook Rin on his shoulder "Rin?.... Rin wake up" you whispered softly in his ear as Rin yawned softly as he rubs his eyes "hmmm?... What is it (Y/N)? Something wrong?...." Rin asked "I-I don't know....I just have a feeling that something is gonna happen but I don't know what...." You looked at Rin with worry. Rin hugged you gently stroking your (h/c) hair "Hey...everything is okay... The baby is safe in its crib-" he was interrupted by a crash noise and sound of crying "Raven!!!" You both yelled as you both ran out of the dorm and into the nursery.

When you two reached into the nursery, you saw a two headed brown demon with fluid coming down from his mouth on one head along with the crib being on the ground. You saw the demon holding Raven in his arms as she was crying. "Rin it has the baby!" You yelled as Rin already gotten out his sword and charge right at the demon "LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER YOU DEMON!!!" He yelled slashing the demons arm. The demon roared as he let go of the child holding his arm, Rin quickly caught Raven. The demon was about to hit Rin and the baby with his big hands, but you quickly shot the demon with your gun with silver bullets in it, then it disappeared without a trace.

You sighed softly as you turned around to Rin as he was bouncing Raven a little stroking her small hair "'s okay now, it's over now daddy's gotcha..." He said smiling softly as he kissed her small forehead. You walked over to him as you rubbed Ravens head gently "Do....Do you think it was really after our child?..." You looked at Rin worried as you kissed the baby's forehead "Who knows....Whatever it wanted it defiantly wanted to do something with the baby...." He said looking at the crashed window "Why would anyone want our baby?..." You asked staying close to him looking at the window "I don't know....but I can tell it's no good...." He said holding his daughter closer to his shirt tightly "but I swear....I'll protect you and my daughter....I won't let any demon take her away from us" he said gritting his teeth together and holds you close to him.

After a few minutes of cleaning up the nursery, you and Rin decided to let Raven sleep with you just in case there was another attack. You and Rin entered the dorm as Rin was holding the baby in his arm laying her head on his shoulder and he laid her down in a cradle that was set up in the room. You smiled at Rin then grinned "You know, you're actually a good daddy, I'm actually impressed" you said as he smirks "Shut up beautiful and get on the bed" he picked you up and spins you around. You started laughing as he then threw you on the bed and he joined you on the bed laughing. You and him smiled at each other as he kissed you and you kissed back "I love you (Y/N)" he said holding you close to him and lays chin on your head "I love you too Rin" you smiled as you closed your eyes feeling relaxed and calm. Soon you both fell asleep having a peaceful sleep for the rest of the night now that Raven was in the room with you and Rin safe and sound.

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