Chapter I

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" What the hell did I tell you woman ! Don't put your hands on me !" Jaycen said

He said grabbing my wrist so tightly and pulling me into our bedroom . He threw me up against the wall as our son walked into the room .

" Mommy are you okay ?" Jr. said

"Yeah baby ... mommy is fine . Go back into your room ." I said

He walked back to his room swiftly and Jaycen turned back to me .

"Jaycen ! Please ! Please let me go ... You're hurting me ! " I said as tears ran down my face .

" Shut the fuck up bitch ! You wouldn't be in this predicament if you did what I told ! " He said slapping me across my face .

"I'm sorry Jaycen ... Please just let me go . I'm begging you ." I said

As he released my wrist I seen his eyes go from sour to sweet . I ran into the bathroom and locked the door . I was so hurt that he would put his hands on me . He said he would never put his hands on me ! Why would the one you love abuse you ?

"Baby ... Monica , please open the door . I'm sorry ! " He said

"No Jay ! Leave me alone ! I hate you ! " I said

"Baby please open the door ! I love you ." He said

"Love ? If this is love , I don't want NO part of it !" I said

"Monica baby just hear me out ?" He said

I started walking towards the door starting to open it . I was hesitant to twist the knob but I snapped out of my thoughts .

"NO Jaycen ! " I said

I guess he had gotten upset because he was kicking the walk and screaming . I stayed in the bathroom all night until the morning for work .


I was still hesitant to open the door because I was afraid of him being at the door . I unlocked the door and seen him sleeping in bed . I went to go check on Jr and Naomi . They both were sleeping and I kissed their foreheads and went back into the bedroom . I checked to see if he was sleep and I grabbed some clothes and went to shower in the guest room . I took a long long shower and got my thoughts together . I just started crying and sliding down the corner of the shower in pain . I put on some black slacks , purple button down shirt , gold jewelry and black high heels . I then tried to cover up my bruise on my left cheek . I got my things together and left a note on the kitchen counter letting Jaycen know I went to work .

****At Work ****

"Goodmorning Mrs.Sanders ." My accountant said

"Goodmorning Renée . How is my agenda today ?" I said

"Umm you know you have the meet at 10:15 this morning with Mr.Phillips , lunch at one with Mrs. Baker and that's it . Is there something you want me to add Mrs ?" She asked

" No thanks , but can you call my good friend Shani in at 3:30 and ask her can she come by ?" I asked

"Yes ma'am I will ." She said

"Thanks again." I said

Renée POV

I have been Mrs .Sanders accountant for over 3 years now and she's the best ! She shows me respect and that's what I love most about her . She has been through a lot but she doesn't know that I know . She comes in everyday working hard and has a smile on her face while on the inside I see she's hurting . One day she came into work with a bruise on her arms a couple of days later she had one on her neck . I ask everyday if she's okay and she says she's fine . I asked her about those mark and she always says ," they are love marks " but I knew better than that .

I done what I was told and called up Mrs . Shani .

"Hello Mrs.Shani , this is Mrs.Sanders accountant and she wanted to know if you can come by about 3 this evening ?" I said

"Oh yes , tell her I'll be there ." She said

"Okay , bye bye ." I said


The meeting was great and the had a wonder lunch but it wasn't so wonder when I started getting messages and phone calls from Jaycen . I just ignored then and headed back to my office .

"Hey Mrs .Sanders ! Mrs .Shani said she will be by here in a few and you have a call waiting in your office ." She said

" Thank you ." I said proceeding towards my office .

"It's on line 3 ." She said .

I opened my door and sat down in my bean bag chair and sighed in relief and answered

"Mommy mommy !" I heard someone say

" Aww hey my babies ! What are you doing ? I missed you so much " I said

" Watching tv with daddy and eating ice cream and cookies , how is work ?" I heard Naomi say

" I'll be home soon baby don't worry . When I get home I'll cook you and Jr. favorite food okay ." I said

"Okay mommy , well daddy wants to talk to you ." I heard them say

" Hello ......"

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