Chapter Ten

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"Well if it isn't the bottle fairy." Riis says as I walk up to him and Alice in the school hallway. I give him a glare that could possibly put him in a coma. It was to early to be criticized. Alice smiles.

"How was spending the night with Casanova?" Alice asks bitterly, her eyebrows raising out of spite. I'm not able to look at her as we walk through the hallway.

"I don't want to talk about it." I reply, submissively. I prayed she wouldn't push it any further. She laughs.

"Of course you don't. Who would want to talk about there dirty, drunken, misdeeds?" I look at her in shock, she smiles. I had to remind myself that she didn't really know the whole story, if she did, she wouldn't be so harsh. The bell rang and Riis went off to his first period as Alice and I went to ours.

"Are you trying to make me feel worse about myself?" I ask Alice in a light tone. She smiles much more genuinely than before.

"Of course. You chose the smooth talking gigolo over your best friend." She cocks her head slightly as we take our seats in History. She puts her hand to her heart. "Frankly, I'm offended." I roll my eyes and when I do my eyes land on Nate. He is talking to some guy, laughing and joking, like boys do, but his eyes are on me. He realizes I'm looking back at him though and he quits his staring. I quickly look back at Alice.

"Well you shouldn't be. Nothing happened." I say flatly.

"Oh I know nothing happened." Alice replies.

"But you said-"

"I said gigolo, not rapist." She cuts me off absently. That comment made me cringe. This is when I realize that I was going to have to pretend to be okay all day. I didn't know if I could do that.

"Charlotte, quelle a été votre week-end?" Madame Naveen asks me. She was asking how my weekend was. My head was resting on my palm.

"C'est barbont," I respond. I told her it was boring, that is my answer almost one hundred percent of the time.

I was trying to keep myself busy. Playing with my pencil or doodling in my notebook. Trying not to let my eyes wander to Aiden. He had no problem not looking at me though. He was too busy talking to a girl named Lisa, obviously violating her with his mind in the process. He acted perfectly normal. Aiden acted like he didn't remember what he did at the party... Maybe he didn't remember... He smelled really drunk... Maybe it was better forgotten.

"Are you okay?" Alice asks me turned around, she sits in the row in front of me. I give her my most convincing smile.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

Alice furrows her brows. "I don't know, you just seem more... Off, then usual."

I shrug it off, "I think I might still be suffering from the hangover". She laughs denying my answer.

"You weren't that drunk," she says while turning back to the front of the class.

I wish I could tell her. Or anyone. I need to talk to someone or else it will just get beaten into my brain. Am I dwelling? Or do I have a right to be over thinking this? All I know is that I'm freaking out.

I realize I'm slightly hyperventilating, so I raise my hand. Madame Naveen calls on me.

"Est-ce je-peux aller aux toilletes?"

"Oui," she tells me. I speedily walk towards the door and head for the bathroom. I went into the stall and tried to calm down. I stayed in there for the rest of the hour, trying to stay silent if anyone came in. When the bell rang I decided to suck it up and return to civilization.

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