Chapter Two

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"Charlie, you're here!" I heard a seven year old call my name as he ran toward the entry way.

"Hey Drew!" I said as happily as I can as he hugged me. I bent down to hug him back.

"I'm so happy your here, Charlie! We are going to have so much fun together! We can go swimming, and fishing, and clam digging and-"

"Andrew, let the girl breathe, she only just got here." Wendy, my stepmother said. Drew, regrettably, let me out of his embrace.

"Sorry, Charlie." He said, looking down. If there was anything I was actually excited about, it was Drew. Drew was my half brother. He was honestly the cutest thing I had ever seen! I had only met him a couple of times, because whenever my dad went down to San Francisco to visit me he rarely brought his family. But Drew was adorable. His golden hair was alway disheveled, going every which way, and he had grey eyes, like my father, like me. It made me happy and proud looking at his eyes like I had proof that I was related to this cute, angelic kid.

"It's okay, babe." I told Drew, ruffling his hair. "All of those things sound great!" Except for fishing, but I wasn't about to ruin it for him. Drew smiled, apparently satisfied with my response and ran off to do whatever seven year olds did.

"Oh Charlie, you get more and more beautiful every time I see you!" Wendy said as she takes me in for a hug. I hesitantly hug her back.

"Which, I guess is going to be a lot more now." I said not trying to sound as distasteful as it did. Wendy didn't seem to notice, though.

"Most if your belongings arrived yesterday. I took the liberty of putting them in your room, don't worry I didn't look through any of the boxes."

All I did was nod.

"Demi!" My dad yelled as he walked in the front door with both of our suitcases. Demi comes walking down the hallway, with a banana in hand.

"What?" She says snidely.

"Would you please show your sister to her room." My dad asked.

Demi glances at me then looks away. "She's not my sister."

"Can you just show her to her room, please?"

Demi made an irritated grunt and agrees.

"Follow me." I did as I was told, taking my suitcase from my dad and following the evil stepsister.

As we walked through the house I took a look at my surroundings. I had never been in this house before. Usually my dad just came down to San Francisco, instead of me coming up here for birthdays and such. The one time I came up to visit my dad was years ago and they had moved since then.

The house was a reasonable size. We passed through the kitchen which was connected to the TV room where I could see Drew glued to a T.V. show. We walked up the stairs and I couldn't help but notice all of the pictures of everyone. There were pictures of my dad and Wendy, pictures of Demi, Drew, one's where they were all together, smiling. Every once in a while you'd see a picture of me, like an awkward middle school photo, but let me tell you, the ratio of pictures of everyone else and me were pretty far gone. Which I guess is understandable, but I couldn't help but feel out of place.

We finally made it to the top the stairs. I saw four bedrooms and a bathroom. One of the rooms had double doors that were opened, from what I could tell that was the master bedroom. Then there were two bedrooms, one had drawings and and a piece of paper taped to the back of the door that said, in very sloppy handwriting "No Girls Allowed", so I assumed that was Drew's room. The room next to it had it's door shut, but Demi just walked passed it. Next to that room was the bathroom so I assumed the last room was mine. I was right. Demi opened the door and let me inside.

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