Chapter 18: All on camera.

Start from the beginning

"CUT" Alex yelled.

Hannah and I both looked up at him and I bent myself over and kissed her on the forehead.

"What?" Hannah asked.

"Just stop okay" Alex said.

"Okay okay" Hannah said.

We both stopped and put on our clothes and just sat there awkwardly. We didn't really know what to do because its kind of awkward between us right now.

"You guys were GREAT!!" Alex yelled, coming into the room from the hallway.

Hannah and I looked at each other and looked at Alex.

"Umm thanks?" I questioned.

"You're very welcome, do you mind if I put this on my website?" Alex asked desperately.

Hannah and I made eye contact and both shook our heads.

"No please don't" we said at the same time.

"Okay fine fine" Alex said.

Hannah and I went into the living room of his apartment and sat on the couch.

"Hannah you were great!" I smiled.

She looked at me awkwardly and then thanked me. That was both of our first time with another girl. And to be honest I really did enjoy it. And I think Hannah feels the same way. I think we both felt like it was weird because it was all on camera, if we were alone then we probably would have done more.

Alex walked into the living room and told us to go back in his room so we could start getting ready for bed. We sat up and walked back into Alex's room, with him. We got back to where we had been before we started doing that other stuff. So I'm in the middle and Hannah is on my left and Alex is on my right.

Alex got up and turned off the light and then crawled back into bed. I rolled over on my side, facing Hannah and closed my eyes. I could feel Hannah's legs against mine so I rubbed my feet up and down her leg until she started doing the same to me.

We fell asleep that way but I woke up in the middle of the night. I tried so hard not to toss and turn because I didn't want to wake anyone up but it was really hard and I kept turning from side to side. I woke up Alex on accident and I heard him laugh.

"Go to sleep" he said.

"I can't, it's uncomfortable" I whispered forcefully.

"Then push Hannah off the bed" Alex laughed.

"No that's rude!" I said.

"Okay" Alex smiled.

Alex stood up and turned on the light.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

Hannah woke up and was pretty pissed off.

"What the fuck" she mumbled.

"Hannah I'm sorry but I am way to squished and I need to sleep so you need to go in the living room and sleep" Alex announced.

I could tell by her facial expressions that she really didn't care. She got up and went into the living room.

"That was rude" I sighed.

"I know, I know, I'm a rude person. Now go to sleep" Alex smiled.

I got under the blankets and closed my eyes. I heard the light switch being turned off and then I opened my eyes and came out from under the blankets.

"You're beautiful Stevie" Alex said.

I couldn't see his face because it was dark. But honestly I felt bad for letting him kick Hannah out of the room like that. He did it really rudely too. Oh well. I scooted a little bit more towards the edge just to make sure that Alex and I weren't like all up in each others grill and stuff.

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